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I shrugged. “The company was grateful I saved them from a potential lawsuit that would have cost them millions. At first, I didn’t want to take the money, but the truth is I need it to get back on my feet. I need it for us. This may be the break I’ve been hoping for since I got out of the slammer.”

Was he looking down on me for taking the money? I worked my ass off at the construction site, but the money would never be enough to change my life. Losing the lease on the house had reminded me I needed all the help I could get, since I was committed to going all in with Scottie.

“I’m happy for you.” He gave me a small smile. “You’re right. This will go a long way in helping you with your goals.”

He handed me back the check, and I tucked it into my wallet. “As great as this money is, the opportunity they’re offering me is even better. They want me to take on a supervisory role, but there’s a catch. I have to go to a few classes and get certified.”

“But that’s good news. Are you going to do it?”

I scratched the back of my head. “I was never any good with school, Scottie.”

“But you’re smart. You can do it. You’re more focused now than you were before, and you have me.”

My heart swelled at his words and, with it, the realization that Scottie was my hope. He was the ray of sunshine whose constant contact had given me the confidence I needed to appeal my case. The faith he had in me had pushed me to be a better version of my former self.

Hell, when I got out of prison, I’d wanted to see him even more than my son. Even before I knew I was attracted to him. All these years, he’d been there for me in a way no one else had ever been.

“What did I do to deserve you?” I whispered.

A flush crept up his cheeks, and he ducked his head. “Don’t say that. I’m nobody special.”

“But to me, you are. Scottie, you mean the world to me.”

“Then you better tell me who that woman was.”

I chuckled and took his hands. “One thing you never have to worry about is me cheating on you. My boss and I were at the bar when his daughter showed up with some friends. He told me they were estranged, much like my relationship with Jay, so when he left, I tried talking to her. That’s all it was.” I ran my hands up his arms. “She’s not my type.”

The tension eased from his shoulders, and he bit his bottom lip. “What’s your type?”

“Hmm, let’s see. Pint-sized boys who reach up to here.” I indicated his height with my hand in the center of my chest. “Braces that make kissing him an adventure. Someone who knows how to take my dick—”

Scottie slapped his hand over my mouth. “Shush.”

I bit his palm and chuckled when he jumped back. He was adorable. “Am I lying?”

“You could’ve literally said anything else,” he grumbled. “Like my charming personality.”

“That too.” I sighed, the issue with my son hanging over my head like a dark cloud. “But what are we going to do about Jay? You know him best.”

“Oh god, I need ice cream to think.” Scottie grabbed a small tub of ice cream from the fridge and settled around the island with two spoons. He handed me one, so I sat across from him and dug in.

“Jay’s stubborn,” he said. “And he holds grudges. He loves hard, but he hates equally hard. It’s difficult to say how he’ll react after processing everything. Worst-case scenario, our friendship ends, and I’ll have to find someplace else to live.”

I placed the spoon on the counter, the sweet caramel flavor threatening to come back up. “You’ve been friends for years. He wouldn’t go that far, would he?”

“Maybe. He always made it clear I wasn’t supposed to touch the letters you sent him, nor was I to mention you. To find out I’ve hidden that secret from him for years will be nothing short of devastating for him. He’ll feel betrayed.”

A tear slipped down Scottie’s cheek. I reached out and wiped it away. “What can I do?”

“It may take me a while to find a new apartment if Jay insists I leave. If that happens, do you think… can I stay with you for a few days until I find something within my budget?”


My heart sank, and my mouth went dry. I was the cause of all his problems, and I couldn’t even help him.

“Griff, d-d-don’t misunderstand me.” He straightened his spine, his eyes wide. “I don’t mean forever. Just until I find somewhere else. I would n-never m-m-move in just like that.”

“You’ve got it wrong.” I took his cold hand and rubbed it between mine. “It’s not that I don’t want you to live with me. I’d love it if we lived together. The thing is, I lost the lease on the house.”
