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Hayden comes over trying to pry Elliot’s hands away. Ana and my mom areholding each other and crying a few feet away.

“Elliot, please. Please. I love you! You are not your father. You are a good man,” I cry, tears streaming down my face. He finally turns to look at me. His dark and angry eyes softened, and he immediately lets his father go. His father scramblesbackwards trying to catch his breath. Elliot falls backwards, sitting on the grass. My dad squats down next to Elliot and puts his hand on his shoulder. I look up and see that the cops are still sauntering over, taking their sweet time.

“You’re okay, son. You’re okay,” My dad says softly. Elliot looks up at him, sadness, shame and apology in his eyes. My dad helps him to stand up. Mr. Decker finally struggles to his feet.

Two police officers finally make it to us. “What’s going on here?”

“You let this piece of shit out of prison is what’s going on,” Elliot snaps. My heart breaks again at the cold and violent anger in his voice, wrapping around his words. It reminds me of the Elliot before our relationship.

“Mr. Decker attacked his son, Elliot was forced to defend himself,” Ana says in a strong voice as she steps in, pushing away Hayden’s hands that try to hold her back. “I know inmates are allowed special leave for certain family member funerals, but he is supposed to be accompanied at all times. Why were you not with him?” She demands, her voice full of accusation directed at the officers. I look at her, knowing the knowledge from her lawyer father is coming to her surface. Mr. Decker looks murderous as he starts towards us again, violence in his expression.

The police officers quickly restrain him. “Alright, John. We warned you. Let’s go.” Mr. Decker struggles against them a few moments before he lets them lead him away, cursing us all and yelling out swears and slurs. Ana calls out that she will be making phone calls to report their inability to keep to protocol. My heart fills for Ana’s protectiveness over Elliot.

I turn to Elliot, look up at him and see complete devastation and humiliation on his face. “Look at me.” He doesn’t. He lifts his head towards the sky, refusing to meet my eyes. “Elliot, please. Look at me,” I cry softly. He leans down and kisses my forehead.

“I need to go,” He whispers, still not looking at me as he turns and walks towards his truck.

“Elliot, please don’t go,” I call but he keeps walking. My dad pulls me into a hug.

“Give him some space, sweetheart,” He says.

“You have no idea…what that man did to him...what he had to go through…” I choke on my cries as I watch his retreating figure. My mind is swimming with the horrors that Elliot shared with me over the last year and a half, the terrible truths he entrusted to me, the scars he shared with me; both emotional and physical. My mom and Ana wrap their arms around me too.

“All of those memories are fresh in his head right now, Bug, just give him some time to calm down. He needs it,” My dad says and my mom murmurs in agreement, rubbing her hands up and down my arms. I nod, sniffling, hoping with all of my heart that he will come back to me.

I love you. Come back to me.



I don’t remember ever feeling this much joy in one moment before. I’ve had countless moments of joy with Madeline over the years, but this feeling of holding her close to me after almost losing her for good…it is unreal. Last night is my new favorite memory with her.

It was like muscle memory. Our bodies know each other so well; it was like no time had passed. Mads had so much light in her eyes, it was like it never left. She didn’t seem uncomfortable, awkward or unsure at all. She was as bold, fierce and beautiful as she had always been.

She is snuggled into my chest, breathing evenly. I press a kiss to her head. She stirs a bit before eventually opening her eyes and finding mine. She smilessleepily up at me which makes all my insecurities and fears disappear. “Wow,” She says and I grin.

“How do you feel?” I ask her, feeling the nervousness and uncertainty again.

She sighs. “Amazing.” She presses a kiss to my chest which makes my heart beat faster.

“God, I’ve missed this,” I say as I brush her hair back from her face and tuck it behind her ear. She looks at me, her smile fading.

“Was it…was it as good…as before?” She asks quietly as her fingers trace the line of my jaw.

“Mads,” I breathe, kissing her softly before pulling back. “It was perfect. You’re perfect, then and now.” She relaxes into me some more after hearing that. “It was the best yet,” I promise.

She pushes up on her elbows and leans in to kiss me. “How perfect was it?” She asks, her hand moving from my chest up to my neck as she pulls me to her. My heart races.

“There aren't any words,” I say against her mouth.

“Show me then,” She says as she rolls onto her back and pulls me on top of her.

And I do .

It feels like we are going through another honeymoon phase, not that I ever felt like we left our first one.I feel like a teenager again with how I haven’t been able to keep my hands off of her all week.

We are on our way to Ana’s now for David’s birthday dinner, and we are running late—because of said honeymoon phase.
