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“You are the only woman I know who would basically tell me to take a long walk off a short plank,” Noah said, laughing.

“I’m not most women and I don’t live in a fairy tale world. I’m not a princess or damsel in distress, and you aren’t the white knight. There is no happily ever after.”

“You are feisty this morning,” Noah said.

“I’m realistic,” Angie said.

Noah ran his hands through his hair and slumped back in the overstuffed chair. Angie was right. He should have stayed in the shifter world and started thinking about who would make a suitable mate from his wolf pack or other wolf packs.

The line about wanting to get to know her better was lame, and he cringed inside when he said it.

He sighed. The problem was that there was something about Angie that drew him to her like a moth to a flame, as cliched as that sounded. Noah wouldn’t be satisfied until he could figure out what it was that was so enticing about her.

Once I get her out of my system I can go back and find a suitable mate.

“How long have you known Micah?” Noah asked, with a hint of jealousy in his voice.

“Since forever,” Angie said. “I’ve known everyone in the Nightshade Pack my whole life. They are like my extended family.”

“He seems like a nice guy,” Noah said, lamely.

“Micah is terrific. He has always supported my parents’ projects and now mine.”

Angie went into the kitchen and came back with two donuts, handing one to him. “They are leftovers from yesterday. I’m surprised that there are any left. Thomas loves these things.”

He took a bite and then asked, “What are you doing today?”

“Going to the sanctuary,” Angie said. “We already have about twenty dogs, several cats, a couple pigs, two rabbits, and two horses. Apollo and I like to spend time with the animals.”

“Can I come?” he asked.

“Sure. The more the merrier.”

When they arrived, Angie pointed out one pit bull that had been mistreated. “His name is Rufus. He needs some love. Slowly walk over to him, sit next to him, and pet him.”

She watched as he did as instructed. The dog shied away from him at first but then accepted his touch.

Angie and Apollo played with the other dogs, throwing balls for them to fetch and bring back.

Her arm is going to ache later.

By now Rufus learned to trust him and leaned against him, making Noah’s heart swell.

Flora drove up a couple hours later. She looked at Noah and made a face. She and Angie were standing close enough to Noah that he could overhear the conversation.

“What is he doing here?” Flora asked. “Jade said he went back to the shifter world.”

“He did, but he came back.”


“I’m not really sure. He said it was because he wanted to get to know me better, which is stupid. After all, there is no way I could be the luna. Noah really is wasting his time, now.”

Flora shook her head and glanced over at him. Noah pretended that he wasn’t paying attention to them.

“This time it’s on him. Just don’t let yourself get involved. He’ll eventually go back home and leave you behind with a broken heart.”
