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I follow him to the oven and look over his shoulder. It’s some kind of buttery bread in a complex pattern starting to rise out of its circular pan. Greasy yellow spots of butter are bubbling and sinking into the pillowy crust. He has sprinkled a few types of cheese and tomato quarters over the top with an herb blend. It smells like rosemary, parmesan, and butter.

Nolan catches me admiring it, wiggles his eyebrows, and shuts the oven. “Nice, right?”

“Yeah,” I say.

I’m standing somewhat awkwardly in my own kitchen now, not sure what I’m supposed to do or say in this situation. I’ve hardly ever seen Nolan and Mia interact, and now I find them alone in my cabin together. Am I supposed to ask? Fuck if I know.

“Well,” Mia says, stretching. “Maybe I should head out. I think I got the gist of those recipes.”

I squint at Nolan. “Cooking lessons? Is that what this is?”

He shrugs. “I posted on the town board that I’d be up for hosting a cooking club for the next few weeks. Mia was the only one who signed up. I told her she might as well swing by today for some tips since this recipe is perfect for someone just getting started.”

“Yep,” Mia says. She’s slipping her jacket on and shouldering her bag. “He was just… giving me the tips.” She winks and I shake my head.

I shake my head. “You don’t have to wrap up for my sake. I’m about to head to Caroline’s, anyway.”

“Nah,” Mia says. “I should go if I’m going to get a shower before work. Besides, always wrap it up. That’s what I say, at least.”

I don’t miss the way Nolan is watching her. There’s a glimmer of something very much like admiration or affection in that look.

“You know,” I say. “I think you were actually more mature in middle school.”

“Caroline asked me to tell her how you were acting when I said I was going to be at the cabin. I’ll just put cranky, grouchy, and mean in my report, then?”

I sigh. “I’m fine. You don’t need to tell her any of that.”

Mia takes a step toward me, looking up at me from beneath long eyelashes. She purses her lips and taps them once, twice, three times. “I don’t know, Princey. You look kind of stopped up. Frustrated? Sexually, or are you just having a little bout of constipation?”

“Would you please just go?” I ask.

She walks toward the door writing a fake note on the pad of her hand with an invisible pen. “Cranky, grouchy, mean, and constipated.” She mimes closing the notepad, then blows a kiss to Nolan over her shoulder. “Thanks for the lessons, Nolan.”

“Sure,” he says.

I turn to face him once she’s gone, palms facing up. “What was that?”

“It’s what I said it was. You alright, man? You look off. More off than usual, I mean.”

“I’m fine.” I plop down where Mia was sitting, folding my arms and resting them on the countertop. I drum my fingers, then unfold my arms and cross them over my chest. “Everything is fine.”

Nolan grins, pulling his scar up with the expression. “Alright.”

“What?” I demand.

“I didn’t say anything, man. You’re the one who looks like you want me to beg you to tell me what’s wrong. Is that what you’re waiting for?”

I stare out the window. “Imagine I told you I never wanted you to date my sister,” I say slowly.

“Okay. Pretty easy since I think you’ve said those exact words to me a few times. Now what?”

“Now imagine you just recently had an epiphany about the fruitlessness of love and dating.”

“Alright. I’m imagining it.”

“What would you do if you had a really good time hanging out with my sister?”

“Easy,” he says. “I’d invite her over for a really nice dinner. Tablecloth, candles, suit and tie, maybe. I’d tell her to wear that black dress she wore to the fundraiser. The one with the cleavage, and–”
