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She rests her forehead on me a few moments later, breathing hard. “Wow,” she says. “Um, thank you.”

“Likewise,” I say, chuckling.

I lift her chin with my fingertip and kiss her softly and passionately. “Tomorrow night,” is all I say.

She nods, eyes wide with something that might be fear, or maybe it’s just anticipation.

We head back into the bedroom and crawl under the blankets. I close my eyes, but when I open them, I see Andi staring back at me from the other side of Meemee. She looks wide awake. She smiles and twinkles her fingers at me, blushing.

I grin and close my eyes again.

And fuck. Between practically having to parent two kids together all day and that little stunt she just pulled in the bathroom? I’m not sure how I’m supposed to let this girl walk out of my life when she realizes I’m still too broken to be somebody’s other half.

Problems for another day.

Right now, all I can think about is rushing toward tomorrow night like my life depends on it. Tomorrow night, she’ll be all mine. No kids to interrupt us. I’ll lock the fucking door.



I’m still stuffed from the breakfast Nolan made everyone this morning. He did some wonderful thing to the shortbread where he shaved frozen strawberries over chilled, spongy bread topped with whipped cream. He drizzled condensed, sweetened milk over that, topped it with another chunk of bread, more strawberry shaving, a whole chocolate dipped strawberry, and more drizzled sweetened milk.

I think I almost died when I tasted it. And that was after the crunchy, cinnamon crusted french toast sticks made from homemade bread with his “modified” whiskey-infused syrup.

I think my moans of enjoyment must have been louder than I realized, because Jesse had to clear his throat at me to get me to stop, which made all the guys except Jake laugh.

Little by little, I’ve felt like the guys have accepted me as part of the team.

Sure, I know I need to get my ass out of Jesse’s cabin before long. After last night, I’m only more confused about our status. On the porch, he said we needed to stop doing all the “in between shit” or some other elegantly Jesse way of putting it. Basically, he just wants to be friends with benefits, minus the friends part, I guess? So why do I still feel like we’re friends? More than friends.

Either way, I can’t bet on things working out and him wanting me to stay in his cabin permanently. I’ll pinch the pennies I get and figure something out by the time Christmas comes around. With what Caroline is paying me, that shouldn’t be too hard, even after I pay back Jake, Jesse, and get my growing list of friends here Christmas gifts. And something for my parents and friends back home. And find a way to pay back Landon’s parents for ruining the wedding they paid for.

Alright. Maybe it’s going to be hard. But challenges are all part of the adventure, or something. I’ll just have to start buying scratch-off tickets. I’m pretty sure if I read stuff about financial responsibility, I’d find that suggested all over.

Jesse left without me this morning to head into town. It’s not like him, but I figure this is him making some kind of symbolic statement about our relationship. People who aren’t dating don’t always ride into town together. Kinda makes sense.

I end up asking Jake if he minds giving me a ride once he and the guys finish their morning workout. I’m not sure how they manage to exert themselves after eating all that food Nolan cooked. The only activity I feel up for right now with the food baby in my stomach is lounging on couches and groaning dramatically.

Jake eyes me in the kitchen. “Don’t you normally ride with Jesse?”

The question feels like a test. Don’t panic. Act normal. “Sometimes,” I squeak. My voice goes so high it hurts my own ears. I clear my throat. “Sometimes,” I say way too deeply.

Jake sighs. He scoops his keys from the counter and yells toward the garage. “I’m gonna give Andi a ride. Are you assholes good on your own?”

“Drive all by myself?” Carter calls back in a mock-feminine voice. “I never!”

Liam sticks his head inside. The man really is almost too pretty. He smiles at me. “Oh, hey Andi.”

“Hey,” I say.

“I’ll drive them,” he says. “Are you going to that gingerbread thing in town?”

“Later,” Jake says.

“I’m going to go help Caroline get it set up.”

Liam nods. “See you guys there.”
