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"Are you?" I snapped back, staring at her deep neckline. Her breasts were literally screaming at every man in the area.

"Maybe." She shrugged, taking my hand and leading me inside.

It was before eleven pm, and the place was already full. From every side, someone was elbowing or pushing me. I hated such crowded areas. If Zoe wasn’t holding me, I would have probably gotten lost in the huge mass of sweaty bodies.

"Vodka?" My best friend had already caught the attention of the waiter, who flashed us a wide, toothy smile. He was kind of sweet but too young for my taste. Zoe, on the other hand, had no preference.

"Prosecco for me," I ordered, glancing around the full club. I didn’t see any familiar faces, so I turned back to look at my friend, who was shamelessly flirting with another guy standing next to her.

I took a sip from my drink, finally mustering the courage to peer at my phone. I had a few text messages from Lena that made my heart skip two beats in a row.

Lena: Where are you?Lena: I don’t have a drinking partner.Lena: Electra, c’mon. Don’t leave me here with them!Lena: The boss is asking about you. Where are you?Lena: Okay, I’m seriously concerned. Are you okay?

I was just typing my reply when another text came, and my eyes widened.

Mr Thorn: Is there a reason why you aren’t with your colleagues enjoying the party?

I groaned, mentally thanking the DJ for the loud music because no one heard me express my irritation. It just wasn’t possible for that man to ask nicely. What if I got into an accident?

I finished my drink while glaring at my phone. I was pissed because I promised myself to have a nice evening, and I knew that the moment I checked my cell, I would destroy everything. I should have left it at home and forgotten about the whole party thing.

"I didn’t expect to see you here."

I winced when I felt a palm on the small of my back, and Pete appeared in my line of sight. He looked even hotter than I remembered, with a boyish grin and a dimple on his cheek. His brown eyes were glowing with excitement, and when I quickly glanced at his broad shoulders and wide chest, I instantly knew why I succumbed to the temptation the last time when we met.

“Do I know you?” I raised my eyebrows, turning my body to face him. Zoe disappeared with her new catch, and I knew she would be away for at least half an hour.

"You weren’t that drunk, were you?" He leaned closer, kissing my cheek like we were old friends, and I pressed my palm against his hard, flat abdomen, pushing him away.

"No, I remember everything. Especially the other man." I gave him a pointed look, and he smirked, waving at the waiter.

"I’m sure you enjoyed the surprise." He handed me a glass, narrowing his eyes at me when I didn’t take it. I liked him, really, I did. But my previous experience with him woke up my self-preservation instincts. I wasn’t the promiscuous type. I would have gladly slept with him again, yet I wasn’t interested in his friends who wanted to claim my back door.

"I would rather bypass the opportunity to live through it again." I turned my back on him, scanning the crowd. Yet, he clearly wasn’t someone who gave up after the first rejection.

"This time, it’ll be just the two of us." His mouth was extremely close to my ear. I shot him a sideways glance, not showing any interest at all. "You felt so good that I’m not willing to share again."

I gulped. His deep voice made the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. His attention was nice, and I was enjoying the pleasurable feeling that his presence and cheesy words caused. I was well aware that he only wanted sex, and I wasn’t seeking a permanent relationship either. It would be stupid to refuse such a tempting offer.

"No third-party involved?" I lifted a brow, studying his handsome face. Involuntarily, I started to compare him to my boss, and Mr Thorn won in every category I was able to come up with.

"I promise, it’ll be just me, you, and whatever you want to do," he confirmed, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer.

"Fine," I agreed, pressing my palm against his chest again. "But first, I need to visit the restroom."

Without another word, he grabbed my hand and led me through the crowd. He stopped in front of the wooden door, where a few couples were exploring each other’s mouths. I giggled, glancing at him as he shook his head.

"I’ll wait for you at the bar." He pointed to a place about ten feet away from us, and I nodded, entering the bathroom. The disgusting smell of weed mixed with piss instantly filled my nostrils, and I wrinkled my nose. For such a trendy club, it was unusual that the toilets would reek that bad.

I opened the half-broken door, doing my business as quickly as possible. I didn’t want to stay there longer than was necessary, but the weird noise from the neighbouring cubicle stopped me in my tracks. I looked down, seeing the blue feminine snickers. Someone was sitting on the floor.

"Hey, are you okay?" I knocked on the cardboard-thin wall, yet the woman didn’t answer. I walked out, slamming my hand on the door, but got the same result. We were the only two inside, and I didn’t want to leave her there, so I tried the knob, and surprisingly, the door opened.

What I saw inside kicked the air out of my lungs. The young woman, probably in her twenties, was half-sitting on the cold floor with a needle in her arm vein. She had dark circles under her eyes, and white foam formed around her mouth. She was still alive, but she was barely breathing.

Thankfully, my instincts instantly kicked in, and even when I didn’t know how to help her, I at least tried to wake her. Yet, it was no use. She was white as a sheet of paper and non-responsive. I needed to get her some help.

That was when I made a horrible mistake. Next to her thigh, on the ground, was a very small sack with white powder. I took it, studying it with my heart strongly hammering inside my chest because I had never seen drugs from so close up. For a quick moment, I forgot about the girl next to me while I frowned at the disgusting content. I had a resolute opinion about forbidden substances.
