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"No, princess," he replied, hitting the send button and closing the screen. He put his cell into the inner pocket of his jacket, giving me his full attention. "I’m angry at my useless managers." He sighed, covering my hand with his on my thigh.

"If you need to go, I’ll understand." I slowly moved my fingers and entwined them with his.

"I’m not going anywhere," he stated, and I smiled. I liked his strong voice, and the words he said were even better. It meant he wanted to be with me rather than take care of the business. "I just need to speak with some people to stop the reporters from making our dinner the sensation of the month," he growled, and I burst out laughing. I didn’t have any idea what he was talking about, and he raised his eyebrows at me.

"Or, do you want to be in every newspaper in the country?" he inquired, watching as my grin faded.

"Wait." My eyes widened in surprise when I took stock of his serious expression. "You’re not making fun of me?"

"No, Electra. I’m not," he answered, slightly irritated. "I have a team of people who make sure nothing from my private life appears in the media," he explained, and I almost face-palmed myself. How could I be so stupid? I’d tried to find something about him, and the only things that had popped up were about his work. I hadn’t seen any girlfriend, boyfriend, or any friend with him in the pictures on the internet, only the business partners and his father.

"So, it’s possible that you’re a married man with five kids, and I’m your next mistress?" I asked, trying to enlighten the mood. He was clearly annoyed.

"It’s also possible that I’m a serial killer, and you’re my next victim," he countered, and I giggled.

"That would explain this." I pointed to the harness on my thigh, and his expression softened. It wasn’t as relaxed as before, yet he didn’t look like he wanted to smash anything either.

"You’re tense and grumpy," I whispered, watching his hand caressing my exposed leg. "And I don’t know why."

"It has nothing to do with you," he reassured me, pulling his palm away and lifting my head up with his index finger under my chin. "I just want to spend a nice evening with you without being disturbed by some reporters or paparazzi."

"Is it always that bad?" I realised I didn’t know much about my boss’s life. I would never have thought he couldn’t go out without being spotted or stalked by someone who wanted to put his face on the cover of some magazine.

"It depends. We’re almost there." Mr Thorn retracted his hand from my face, avoiding answering my question, and I looked out the window. We were entering the private property through the huge metal gate, and I gasped when the big modern three-story house arose in my line of view.

I watched in amazement at the interesting shapes and angles of the walls. I saw at least three balconies and a swimming pool on the first floor. The entry porch, along with the first-floor terrace, was enlightened with yellow and white lights, making an amazing scene. I’d only seen houses like this one in catalogues.

"Welcome to my humble home," Mr Thorn said when we got out of the car, and I gave him a smirk.

"Humble?" I shook my head, pointing towards the house. "I think you don’t understand the meaning of that word," I teased, and he chuckled.

"Let’s go. We have things to do, and it’s getting late." He stretched his arm in my direction, and I took his hand. He led me through the hall and spacious living room upstairs to the balcony with a swimming pool and jacuzzi. For a second, I was tempted to jump in and enjoy the bubbles, but I wasn’t sure about Mr Thorn’s reaction to my childish behaviour. I needed to know him more before doing some stupid things.

We sat down in the comfortable armchairs opposite each other, and he gave me a copy of the contract, the same as I had at home. I opened it, preparing myself for a conversation about the stuff I wasn’t very familiar with. Almost all my knowledge was theoretical, yet I wanted to present my demands, too.

Mr Thorn poured me a glass of white wine and took his place beside me, opening the file as well.

"Where do you want to start?" he asked, taking a pen and a piece of blank paper.

I leaned into my chair, watching him as he narrowed his eyes at me. He wasn’t his relaxed self. In front of me sat a businessman, ready to make a deal. But this was my life, our life. It couldn’t be based only on a contract.

"What do you expect from me, Mr Thorn?" I asked. I’d thought about asking him this before everything, and thankfully, he gave me a chance. I had to know what he wanted; a slave, a mistress, or what?

"Your obedience and submission," he answered without hesitation, studying my face.

"According to this," I pointed to the contract, "you want to control my private life, too."

"Not necessarily, Electra," he objected and put the pen down. "That’s why we are here, to negotiate the terms. I mostly demand absolute sexual submission from my girls. The contract is here, so we will both be protected."

"Girls?" I gasped. His words rang in my ears, deafening me. The worst-case scenario was presented to me right at the beginning. He had other women.

"Well, I’m not against men subs either if that’s what you’re interested in." He lifted one of his brows to me in a silent question, and I took a sharp breath, trying to steady my erratic heartbeat.

"I don’t like the idea of sharing your attention with another person," I stated with as much confidence as I could muster. Various things popped up in my mind, questioning my own words, but I pushed them to the side.

"What are you suggesting, Electra?" he asked, clearly curious.

"In the contract, there is a paragraph about the submissive being faithful to the dominant and not having any sexual encounters with other men or women." I paraphrased it, but the meaning remained. No other people were allowed in the submissive’s life. "I want the same from you," I uttered, watching his stoic face, and my stomach sank, but I continued anyway. "No sexual encounters with other people."
