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"You don't have a sister," I groaned, acting like I wanted to fight him, when he pulled me closer and enveloped me with his big, strong arms.

"You're right; I don't," he chuckled into my hair, and I leaned against his shoulder, completely forgetting about the spanking. The only reminder was my sore ass because I was half-sitting on it. "Next time, I promise to give you a less irritable answer, princess," he whispered and kissed my forehead.

"Deal!" I yawned, suddenly very tired. I’d slept only for a few hours, and everything that had taken place since he’d come home was taking its toll on me.

"You can have a thirty-minute nap," Mr Thorn said, looking at his expensive watch. "I heard your boss is an ass. You don’t want to be late."

"You have no idea," I giggled in his sweater, closing my eyes. "Will you hold me, sir?" I whispered, my cheeks flushing red. I felt vulnerable and exhausted, but much better than before.

"Of course, princess," he answered softly, placing a kiss on my eyebrow. I opened one of my eyes, when I felt something on my calf, to see he was covering my naked legs with a blanket. From where he took it was a mystery, which I didn’t need to solve. I clung closer to him, enjoying the heat of his body, and his manly scent was tingling in my nose when I surrendered myself to sleep.


Poke theBear


Hotbreathfannedmyear, followed by the gentle whisper of the sexiest, deepest voice on earth.

"Open your eyes, princess," Mr Thorn muttered, and he kissed my forehead. I wriggled a little, enjoying the closeness of our bodies on the couch. I was lying on his chest, pressed against his torso, not willing to move an inch. It was too comfortable to leave.

"We must go to work," he groaned, and he took such a deep breath that I almost fell from his chest onto the floor. He supported me with his muscular arm, chuckling.

"What time is it?" I frowned at him, trying to find my lost balance. The sun was high in the sky, shining into the living room through the huge full-wall windows.

"Ten," he answered, giving me a pointed look, and I jumped to my feet.

"What?" I squealed, grabbing my skirt. "I’m late for work!"

"You don’t say," he muttered under his breath, but I ignored him. I ran into the bathroom and froze in place. My makeup was smeared all over my face, my hair was a horrible mess, and I didn’t have panties. I abruptly turned around, wanting to sprint back into the bedroom, but Mr Thorn blocked my way at the door.

"Are you on fire?" he asked, tilting his head to the side, a playful smile on his lips. However, I wasn’t in the mood for this. I had important things to do in the office.

"Sir, please." I tried to push him to the side. He didn’t move. He was like a brick wall, and I groaned in frustration. "I have a meeting with the catering company for the party on Saturday," I said nervously, but he only blinked a few times, not saying anything. "It’s at eleven o’clock. I can’t miss it," I whined, impatiently bouncing on my feet.

"I rescheduled it," he stated nonchalantly and finally moved away from the door.

"W-what?" I stammered, watching him as he started to undress.

"It’s at one pm," he answered, smirking at my confused expression. "You were sleeping so peacefully that I didn’t want to wake you." He shrugged and took off his pants. "You have enough time, princess." He leaned closer and pecked the tip of my nose while I was staring at him in bewilderment. I didn’t know this man. Who was he?

"Last time, you punished me for being two minutes late," I mumbled, earning a gentle smile from him.

"You needed rest. Work can wait." He winked at me, stepping into the shower.

I sighed heavily, grateful for not having to hurry. I took off my clothes, leaving only a bra and newfound panties on me. I brought my cosmetic bag into the bathroom, working on my face, but my eyes very often drifted to the shower. The huge silhouette of Mr Thorn was visible through the frosted glass. I licked my lips, thinking about joining him, when he opened the door and walked out.

I had to bite my lip to stop a sigh threatening to escape my dry mouth. Water glistened on his perfect body, and I felt the urge to lick every drop from his skin. The big plates of his chest muscles rose and fell evenly. With my hungry eyes, I traced his flat abdomen to his crotch when he interrupted my ogling.

"You’re drooling, princess." He snickered, and I felt heat in my cheeks. His messy wet hair was falling into his blue eyes, giving him a boyish look.

"Over you?" I managed to ask in a hoarse voice, and I coughed awkwardly. "Just noticing that you’re wet. Here." I handed him a fluffy towel, and his grin widened.

"Someone else is wet, too," he pointed out, winking at me, and I turned my back on him. He was in a very good mood, so I decided to provoke him a little. I wanted a taste of that sensational body, and because he'd graciously rescheduled my meeting, I suddenly had some free time.

Slowly, I bent over the counter and stuck my ass out. I was acting like I didn’t notice he had stopped his movements, and his eyes were glued to my bottom. I finished putting mascara on my eyelashes, and then straightened my back, pouting at myself. I met his heated gaze in the mirror, but to my surprise, he only grinned and left me alone. My mouth fell open as I glared at his tattooed back. He disappeared into the walk-in closet, and I turned around, leaning against the counter, thinking.

There had to be a way to seduce him. He was a man, after all. I quickly prepared a simple plan of attack and walked out of the bathroom. He was still in the closet, so I unhooked my bra and stood in front of the big mirror. I was assessing my body when he entered the bedroom, dressed in a dark blue suit and white button-up shirt with a tie in his hand. His brows lifted when our eyes met, and I gave him one of my perfect smiles.
