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Oh, no! Seriously?


The Meeting


Together,withMrThorn,we walked into the conference room full of people. Every single person watched us when he held the chair for me, and I sat down. It was actually really sweet when he acted like a perfect gentleman.

He took his seat as well, raising his eyebrows expectantly at six men and six women. I nervously fidgeted on my spot, trying to find the right position so the plug in my butt wouldn’t become uncomfortable. I felt very naughty with that thing inside me, and the idea of only Mr Thorn knowing about it was completely arousing. Shit! I was thinking about sex again.

Almost unnoticeably, I shook my head, concentrating on Sarah, the marketing manager, as she started talking about new strategies and releasing new products. Yet, my gaze very often drifted to Mr Thorn’s long index finger, as he was constantly making minute lazy circles on the table, and I felt my heart rate increase. I imagined him performing that motion on my clit, and I instinctively pressed my thighs together, my muscles clenching around the small plug.

"You’re drooling again, princess." Mr Thorn’s deep whisper rang in my ear, stirring me from my daydream. I shot him a quick glare as he leaned back into his chair, his eyes glowing with mischief.

It was an impossible task to focus on numbers and graphs when a man like him was sitting next to me. He moved his arm, and I held my breath because I saw that the fabric of his shirt couldn’t hold his huge bicep. He told me to schedule a meeting with someone, but I was deaf to his command because I was enchanted by his manly scent and his perfect lips, which I wanted to taste so badly that it physically hurt. And when I finally started to listen to Sarah, he put his huge palm on my knee under the table, making me wince. I saw the men closest to us noticed my sudden movement, but none of them paid attention to the flushed secretary.

Mr Thorn was torturing me in front of his employees, and I couldn’t do anything about it. And the worst part of it was that I was actually enjoying it. It was weirdly exciting to see that nobody had a clue what was happening under their noses. I was dripping wet and plugged, and my bossno, our boss—was massaging my inner thigh, slowly moving his hand between my legs, while others were bored to death with monthly profits.

"Is that all, Lena?" Mr Thorn asked when my former boss ended her presentation, and she nodded, taking her notes and returning to her place. I gave my boss a glance when he retracted his hand from my leg and stood up.

I was at the head of the long table, and other managers were sitting on both sides, watching our every move. He put his hands into his pants pockets, studying the faces in front of him. I knew him enough to know that he was up to something. And because the playful glint disappeared from his eyes, I was also sure that whatever he was planning wouldn’t be good.

"I’m pretty sure everyone is familiar with the name Rose Adelaine," he started in his rumbling baritone, and I looked around the room. Some men smirked while women were exchanging nervous glances.

Rose Adelaine was a person no one wanted to work with. She was beautiful, sassy, and arrogant. She was also highly intelligent and hard-working, perfect in her job. She was a marketing wizard, and every company in the country wanted her. Yet, the coworkers often said she was hard to get along with, her demands were impossible to meet, and to say she was brusque would be an understatement.

Before the weird encounter in Mr Thorn's office when she accused me of sniffing his clothes, I'd only met her once, and it was a very interesting experience. She hadn't even looked at me; I was only useful when she needed coffee, and when I brought it to her, she poured it on the ground and said, "Disgusting." So, my expression matched others’ when our boss asked about that witch.

"Two hours ago, I signed a contract with her," Mr Thorn announced, earning surprised gasps. From the corner of my eye, I saw as Sarah leaned over to Lena, whispering something to her with a furious expression. "She’ll start next month."

It was understandable that Mr Thorn wanted the best person in the field to work for him. Yet, his managers clearly weren’t pleased with his decision.

"May I ask, Mr Thorn?" Sarah’s voice caught our attention, and I watched as she stood up. She was taller than me, and in high heels, she was almost as tall as Mr Thorn. She had a fantastic figure, and a black dress with a deep neckline showed too much of her cleavage. "Under which department will Miss Adelaine work? Because I’m sure she won’t take orders from any of us."

"Some of us know how to handle a woman, Sarah," the economy department manager, Mr Stone, said snidely, and other men snickered as well.

"I’m curious about how you want to handle that devil," Lena stated with a frown, taking her friend’s side.

"It’s not my department she will join," Mr Stone smirked and shrugged. I was watching the whole scene with mixed feelings. I wasn’t used to seeing them bickering because I’d been at the meeting like this only a few times while Mr Thorn’s father was still in charge of the company. This was very confusing for me, too, because despite only being a PA, I agreed that someone like Miss Adelaine wouldn’t work under any of these people.

I turned my head to the side, staring at Mr Thorn, who was already looking back at me. I clearly saw that his stoic expression was only a mask, which he had a hard time keeping on his handsome face. He quickly assessed my sitting position, stopping longer on my breasts, and I did my best not to draw attention to us.

Thankfully, no one noticed Mr Thorn eye fucking me with his heated gaze, and he quickly ignited the fire inside me again. My breathing quickened and I tried not to fidget because the plug in my ass only made things worse for me. I felt cold sweat on my body and goosebumps appeared on my forearms. I craved a release, but the timing was horrible.

"That’s enough!" Mr Thorn’s strong voice made me jump in my seat, and my eyes widened. For a brief moment, I forgot about the other people in the room and assumed his words were directed at me. However, Sarah burst my bubble, continuing her rude questions toward her boss.

"Can you tell us where she will work?" she repeated, earning an exasperated sigh from Mr Thorn.

"Sarah," he started, and the whole room went silent. "I wanted to deal with it in private, but you’re really pissing me off."

I took a sharp breath because of his words and hostile tone, and the nervousness in the room was so evident it could be cut with a knife. I knew for sure now that everyone in the company was afraid of Mr Thorn. His reputation and behaviour made him a scary person, and even the employees in the highest positions kept their mouths shut. No one dared say a word against him because no one wanted to risk their career.

"Mr Thorn, you’re not making me exactly happy by hiring that woman!" Sarah stated sarcastically, and he raised one of his eyebrows at her.

"I’m not here to make you happy, Miss Pearson," he pointed out sternly, and a few men chuckled. I had to admit, she had some balls, but the deadly expression on Mr Thorn’s face told me she was screwed. And she noticed it too, but he didn’t let her say anything. "We both know how you got this job," he growled, putting his hands on the back of his chair, squeezing it tightly. "I’m sure you understand that it’s your position which Miss Adelaine will take."

"You can’t do that!" Sarah almost yelled, shocked to the core. "Your father..."
