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"There is nothing wrong with feeling afraid of something new, baby girl," he uttered, stroking my hip and my exposed thigh. "Do you trust me?"

"Yes, sir," I quickly replied, not wanting him to doubt my response. I trusted him with my whole being.

"Good." He leaned closer and kissed my cheek. The touch of his soft lips on my skin woke the butterflies in my stomach. One of his hands was gently squeezing my thigh while the other was on my ass. I wrapped my arms around his neck, enjoying the closeness of our bodies.

"You have nothing to worry about, princess," he whispered into my ear. "I'll always be with you."

"Always?" I asked in a trembling voice, seeking reassurance. I didn’t understand why I was so petrified. I have never been a coward, but this time, it was different.

"Yes, baby girl. Always." He nodded, looking directly into my eyes. "Are you sure you don’t want to go home?" he inquired again, putting his hand on my cheek. "You look like I’m dragging you to execution."

"No, sir, I'm—" I did my best to show him I really wanted to attend his club. But my nervousness got the best of me, and my voice didn’t sound as believable as it should.

"Electra." Mr Thorn cut my response short by saying my name, and I took a deep breath. The stern tone of his voice almost instantly reminded me of his other side. The side that I desired to be present and calm me down. I needed his strength and his dominance to help me relax and stop me from thinking about all the unnecessary things. I craved to be put into a state of submission where I didn’t need to consider any option or make any decisions. I just wanted to enjoy the night with him as his princess.

"I’ll take care of you," Mr Thorn stated, cupping my chin with his huge hand, forcing me to look him in the eyes. These words held so much confidence and promise, that shivers ran down my spine and I pressed my body against his, wanting to feel him everywhere.

"We’re here, boss," the driver announced out of nowhere, bursting our little bubble.

"Let’s go, princess," my handsome man commanded, and I obeyed without hesitation, crawling from his lap back to my seat. He got out of the car first, giving me his jacket to wear. He knew I was anxious about being seen dressed like this, and he quickly solved the problem.

With a mask on my face and my head bowed, I followed Mr Thorn to the back entrance of the high building in the city centre. I tried not to stumble over my own legs when he took me by my arm, leading me inside.

We walked through the long corridor when he stopped, turning to face me. He took his jacket from my shoulders, and I raised my head to look him in the eyes. He also had a mask on his face, which matched mine.

"You are the best thing that has happened in my life, Electra," he whispered, cupping my face and knocking the air out of my lungs. "There is no other person in this world that I would rather spend this night with. And I believe you feel the same way."

"Yes, sir," I breathed, a wide smile stretching across my face.

"Perfect. Do you remember the rules?" he asked, his eyes burning holes into my head.

"I can’t do anything without permission," I answered, and he frowned because of my short answer. "No talking, no touching, no eye contact with anyone," I began, and he placed his long index finger on my lips.

"If anything, and I mean anything that you see inside makes you feel uncomfortable, you’ll tell me immediately. Understood?" Again, his stern tone and hard stare made me tremble with anticipation. I loved this side of him. He’d once told me that I was bathing in his dominance. I hadn’t had an idea of what he meant by it back then, but I knew right at that moment.

"Yes, sir." I confirmed my words with a slight nod, and he gave me a small smile.

"Let’s go," he said, and turned the metal knob.

I took a deep breath, and with my head bowed, I walked inside. The first thing I saw was a black carpet. Different coloured lights were swirling under my feet as I followed Mr Thorn. On my right side was a long bar. Two half-naked waitresses offered their best smiles, and I also noticed two bartenders. On my left side was my handsome sir, scanning the room with a frown and giving the impression he was looking for someone.

I saw he was preoccupied with staring into the crowd of almost-naked people who were screaming and cheering. I didn’t understand what was happening there, so I raised my head a little, admiring the pole dancers. They weren’t strippers. One was clothed as a bunny, another two had long men’s button-up shirts, and a few had dresses. They were showing off their amazing bodies, and I found myself staring at one of them in awe. She had lengthy red hair, a perfect figure, and the longest legs I’ve ever seen. She was stunning.

"Interested?" Mr Thorn’s deep voice woke me from my daze, and I looked at him, feeling blood rushing to my face. The dancer was so beautiful that I found myself thinking about her in a highly inappropriate way.

I bowed my head, trying to hide my flustered state, and I heard Mr Thorn chuckle next to my ear.

"I can’t wait for the day you’ll ask me if you can play with her," he whispered, and my eyes widened. I almost raised my head to look at him when I realised it would be against the rules. My secret glances at the dancers were also acts of disobedience. I could be punished for it.

"Here you are!" I winced when the male voice shouted from somewhere on my right side. I turned my head just in time to see a tall, nervous man approaching us. "I was afraid you wouldn’t show up. I need a minute in private, Bast."

"I’m here with my girl," Mr Thorn answered. "I don’t have time for your bullshit."

Before I could notice anything else, Mr Thorn put his palm on the small of my back and motioned for the stairs to the higher floor. I stole one last secret glance at the dancefloor, taking in the atmosphere. I was still a little tense, but the proximity of Mr Thorn’s huge body next to mine made me feel protected.

The upper floor was the place where the real party was happening. Downstairs, it was like a slightly unusual event for people without prejudices, but here, it was another level of craziness. And I was overdressed.

Everywhere I looked, there were masters in their fancy clothes, suits, or dresses, showing off their expensive watches, golden rings and other accessories. And every master had at least one sub at their feet. Not only women, I was sure I saw at least five male subs during my quick look.
