Page 120 of Bossy Romance

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If I wasn’t so irritated about Lyra, I would probably have asked us to move somewhere else. As it stands, I just want to get this job offer over with and go home.

“Would you like some wine?” Henry motions to me.

“I don’t drink during business meetings.”

A flash of hurt swirls in his eyes. “Right.”

I realize I’m pulling the mood down and cave. “I’m not a big drinker, but I can have one glass.”

He starts smiling.

Good. The happier Henry is, the more likely he’ll sign the contract without too much negotiation.

“Cheers,” Henry says, offering his glass.

“Cheers.” I clink my glass to his. Tilting the cup back, I drain the wine. It’s bitter, which fits my mood perfectly.

“Whoa.” Henry laughs.

I remove the contract from my purse and slide it over the table. “Henry, like I mentioned this morning, I wanted to discuss something with you.”

“So did I.”

“Me first,” I insist. “I know that there are many companies trying to snag you, including Yoon Technologies. But I believe that Vision Tech can truly foster your talent.” I push the folder toward him. “Here’s the contract we prepared for you. I hope you’ll consider Vision Tech your family and—”


I stop abruptly and stare at him.

Henry places his elbow on the table, settles his chin on his fist and gives me an earnest look. “I’ve admired you since my first day at Vision Tech. I don’t know if you remember, but you handled our orientation. You were so confident and in control. I immediately knew that I wanted to learn from you.”

“Thank you, Henry.” I pour another glass because the first one made my chest warm and loosened some of the knots in my stomach.

“But when I saw the way you handled the miracle goo incident, my admiration turned into something deeper.”

I choke on the wine.


Is he…

Is this?

“Nova,” Henry picks up my hand and I’m so shocked that I let him, “the truth is that I—”

“There you are,” a low voice growls.

Henry and I both turn.

It’s Adam.

He’s panting up a storm at the head of our table. There’s sweat running down his temple, his hair is wind-torn and his eyes are two burning coals in his face.

It’s wrong the way my heart skips a beat when he flings an angry stare at Henry’s hand on mine. It’s especially wrong to smile when he takes that hand and lugs me from the table.

But damn if his possessiveness doesn’t make me tremble.

Adam’s here.
