Page 182 of Bossy Romance

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I stayed in the very last row. The last thing I wanted was for Adam to meet my eyes. I knew that if he did, I’d run to him. In front of all these people. In front of Rowan. In front of Alexa’s lifeless body.

So I kept my distance.

But not even time and space could shield me from him.

It’s like his eyes are always watching for me and now I’ve been caught.

I inhale deeply and wait for the crowd to clear before I approach Adam.

Rowan sees me before Adam does. He brightens and waves. “Nova.”

“Hi, sweetie.” I wrap my arms around him and drop a kiss to the top of his head.

Adam walks up to me next. His eyes devour my body, starting at my black heels, going up to my black dress and finally my braids held back by a thick bandana. The assessment feels mildly inappropriate for a funeral. Much less, a funeral for his late wife.

“My condolences, Adam,” I say.


I glance down and note that he’s not wearing his ring.

Removing my attention from Adam, I touch Rowan’s shoulder. “Did you get to scratch everything off your mom’s list?”

He nods.

“Even India?”

“Adam took us to a Bollywood theatre. Mom said it looked just like India.” His eyes glisten over with tears, but he doesn’t let them loose. “We were watching the movie when she… when, um…”

“I understand.”

Rowan blinks rapidly.

I give him a hug because he’s too precious and I can see that he’s struggling. He hugs me back and wiggles away. “Are you coming over later?”

“Uh…” My eyes shoot to Adam.

He arches an eyebrow at me.

“Please.” Rowan pouts. “I want to show you my worktable in the lab.”

“Yourworktable?” Adam asks, hooking a hand around Rowan’s neck.

The little boy laughs. “Okay.Ourtable.”

“It might as well be yours the way you’re taking over.” Adam looks up to explain. “There are nothing but sketchbooks and pencil holders next to my equipment.”

I smile at the easy camaraderie between father and son. It’s incredible to think that just a few weeks ago, Rowan was a stranger on Adam’s doorstep and an inconvenience in his life. Now, the two share a clear bond.

It’s what Alexa probably hoped for.

Out of all the wishes Rowan put on that list, I’m sure this was Alexa’s biggest one. It must have done her heart good for this wish to come true.

“Rowan.” Beth primly picks her way through the cemetery and stops in front of us. “I asked my mom if I could come over later. Niko and Micheal want to come too.”

“Come over to my house?” Rowan’s eyes widen.

Beth nods smartly. “I heard my mom say that people shouldn’t be alone after a funeral.”
