Page 61 of Bossy Romance

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He nods.

“You’re better than me. Growing up, I found it hard to make friends. They didn’t understand the things I was into. This one guy called me a freak when he saw me sketching out inventions in my notebook.”

“You sketch?” His eyes light up.

I take note of it. “Do you?”

He shrugs and flips the pancake.

So the kid likes to draw?

“I’ll show you some of my old notebooks later,” I promise.

He nods, an interested gleam in his eyes.

I hear sounds coming from the living room and twist around. Nova is sitting up, a perplexed look on her face. She glances down at the blanket, up at the walls and then smacks her head, cringing hard. When she swings around and meets my gaze, she goes completely still.

“Keep an eye on the bacon for me, Rowan.”

The kid nods.

I walk out to the living room. “Morning, darlin’.”

“I can’t believe I slept over.” Nova wipes her mouth with the back of her hand and touches her hair self-consciously. Her curls are a lot frizzier than usual. While one side is big and poofy, the other side—the side she was sleeping on—is adorably flat.

I can’t believe how stunning she looks with her makeup mostly worn off and her hair doing its own thing. It’s like I’m getting a glimpse of the wilder side of Nova, therealside. And I can’t look away.

My pulse picks up speed. “I didn’t have the heart to wake you.”

“You should have. This is… I shouldn’t be sleeping over.”

“Why not?”’

Her eyes dart to the side. “Because it’s inappropriate.”

“We didn’t do anything wrong, Nova.” I arch an eyebrow. “Besides, Rowan is here. We weren’t alone.”

She winces. “Still…”

“I, well,wemade breakfast.” I gesture to where Rowan is standing at the stove. “You can tell me how inappropriate this was over pancakes and bacon.Turkeybacon. I know how you get about pork.”

“Oh no. I’ve already intruded too long. And I’m not hungry.” She wraps an arm around her stomach, which growls loudly in direct defiance of her statement.

I chuckle.

The doorbell rings at that moment, cutting off the rest of her protests.

“That must be Dejonae.”

“Dejonae? Sazuki’s girlfriend Dejonae?” Nova’s eyes widen.

“She’s early,” I mumble.

Opening the door, I nearly spring back when Dejonae launches inside with a bright smile. Another woman is with her. She’s tall and exuberant with long black hair and expressive brown eyes.

“Morning, Adam.” Dejonae charges past me. “Hey, Nova.”

Nova stiffens and lifts a hand in discomfort.
