Page 70 of Bossy Romance

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Inside are two pancakes with bananas for eyes and a blueberry smile.

I melt. “Rowan did this?”

“My kid’s got an artistic flair.”

My lips curl up.My kid?

I accept the fork he offers me. “Did you ask Dejonae to watch him?”

“No. She offered, but I didn’t want to put her out. Mariana is watching him.”

I nod. It was a matter of time before Adam’s housekeeper found out about Rowan.


“What?” I glance up in shock.

Adam shakes a packet in front of me. “I brought honey. For your pancakes.”

“Oh.” Why did my heart rush thinking he was calling me by an endearment? I must still be a little dazed.

I shove the pancakes into my mouth and then show Adam my clean plate. “See? Now what did you bring me?”

“So impatient.” He opens the file and slides it across the table.

I push aside the empty container and draw his sketch close. “What am I looking at?”

“The blueprint I submitted to the patent office isn’t the one I worked on originally. It’s the rendition I formulated on a computer.” He unfolds a long, thin paper and shows me a much older blueprint. “This is the one I created with a pencil and my own crude measurements. It’s dated and notarized.” He points a pale thumb to the numbers. “I do that with all my original creations. Just in case.”

I snatch up the blueprint and bring it close to my face. My heart starts singing like a black choir at an Easter service.

“Adam!” My eyes widen. I can’t even form the words I need to express my relief.

He leans against the desk, smirking at me. “The lawsuit isn’t necessarily about the overall design, but about the bass frequency conduction functions. I have a dated blueprint for that too.”

My eyes move slowly up to his. “Thank you.”

He shakes his head. “I’m glad I could take one worry off your plate.”

I grab my phone, snap photos of the blueprints and then text our lawyer. Next, I grab my pen and write a comprehensive to do list. It calms me seeing the tasks lined up. Plus, now that I’m fueled up, I feel like I can tackle anything.

“The crisis is averted now, right?” Adam asks, studying me intently from his perch on the desk. “You don’t have to worry anymore.”

“Not even close.”

He frowns at me.

I lean forward. “Yes, the blueprints came in handy. We can counter-sue for damages and I’m sure the other company will back off…”

“But?” He prods.

“But how did the blueprints get copied in the first place?”

Adam rises to his full height. “You think it’s someone from the company.”

It’s not a question.

“Adam, consider it. It’s the only answer that makes sense.”
