Page 82 of Bossy Romance

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“It’s not like he did anything fancy. He just showered,” I mumble.

Nova tilts her head back and groans. “I feel so grimy. A shower soundsin-cred-ibleright now.”

Picturing her in the showerfeelsincredible too.

I squeeze my fingers on the wheel and grit my teeth.

Focus, Adam. Focus.

“Would you prefer not to go to the farmhouse today?” I ask Nova.

“Do you need me there?”

“That’s not an answer to the question, Nova,” I say with a hint of firmness in my tone.

“If you’re asking me to go as my boss, I’ll attend.”

“I’m not asking as your boss.”

“Then I’d prefer to go home and go to sleep early.”

“No problem. Whatever you want.” I flick the indicator. “Did you eat lunch?”

“Is that all you think about when you look at me? Food?”

I glance over and find her sitting with her eyes closed. There’s a hint of a smile on her lips.

She looks… satisfied.

It’s both a turn-on and slightly terrifying.

I’ve learned that Nova has a toxic love affair with crises. Sheenjoyschallenges. She eats adversity for breakfast.

Whenever she’s finished battling a dragon at Vision Tech, she wears this sheen of bliss on her skin, as if she just unlocked another power level.

It’s impossible not to notice how gorgeous she looks right now.

But I also hate how tired she seems too.

When it comes to my investigation on why she wants to leave Vision Tech, I’m up to two conclusions.

The first is pure burn-out, which is easy enough to fix.

The second is her sister.

My gut feeling when I saw those two interact is that there’s more to the story. Nova would rather jump into a sea of hungry sharks than tell me about it, so I’ll have to get creative if I want to learn more.

“Rowan,” I glance at the kid in the rear-view mirror, “tell Nova what you’re doing tomorrow.”

Nova pokes one eye open. “What is he doing? And should I be concerned?”

“No.” I chuckle.

“I’m going to learn painting from TenTwo!” Rowan’s voice is loud and energetic. It feels like the real Rowan is slowly coming out.

“Wow,” Nova says with a hint of confusion, “that’s… great?”

“He’s a famous digital painter who takes videos of his creative process and posts them on the internet,” I explain.
