Page 31 of Undone

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“Eat up, Sophie. Lots of kids to feed now. I don’t want to be out here bottle-feeding your babies. Don’t have the time for that.”

Satisfied with Sophie and her kids, I leave them to their supper. Tonight’s the family meeting, and I doubt anyone will appreciate me smelling like a farm animal at the dinner table. I should have just enough time for a quick shower before the gang shows up. Hopefully bringing food, because with all the excitement of yesterday, I didn’t have time to smoke the ribs, like I’d planned.

Stomach growling, I take the offensive and shoot Poppy a quick text. She’s the most likely to pull through on the food. Parker’d probably forget, and Rome’s leaving straight from the courthouse.

King: Sophie had kids last night. Didn’t get a chance to make dinner. Can you bring something?

Little Sis: Sophie had babies? Aww! Pics!

Shaking my head, I scroll through my recent photos, sending a few over to her.

Little Sis: Oh my gosh, they’re precious! You should put them on Insta. You could prob make goat milk soap or something now

King: Sure. Dinner?

An eye-roll emoji comes through, followed by a goat milk soap blog post complete with step-by-step instructions on making soap.

Uh-huh. In my spare time.

A second later, another text.

Little Sis: What do you want to eat? Still want pizza?

King: That works

Little Sis: See you soon!

Poppy sends a GIF of a newborn kid stumbling around a pasture, and I laugh at my screen. Sometimes she’s pretty funny.

I hope she and Parker take the news about Mom and our secret half sister well tonight. Maybe Rome and I should have told them sooner, but a good time never presented itself. Not that there’s ever a great time to find something like that out.

They’ll have to settle for better late than never, I guess.

My cell buzzes again, and I’m just getting ready to remind Poppy to order extra pepperoni when I realize the message isn’t from her. My stomach swoops as I stare down at my screen.

Rose Queen: Yesterday was unexpected

Muscles coil in my lower torso, remembering kissing Juliet out at the lake.

I need to see her again.

Fingers tingling, I text:

King: Want to get together tonight after you’re done with your shift?

Squinting down at the phone, I pray she says yes. My cock’s already twitching at the thought of seeing her again. Touching her, kissing her, tasting every inch of her.

But I have no idea how long this stupid family meeting thing’s gonna last. Could be thirty minutes, could go for an hour or two. Worst case, I figure they’ll be gone by ten. Leaves me plenty of time to meet up with her.

Rose Queen: Your place or mine?

King: Yes

Straightforward, honest. Because I don’t care where I kiss Juliet again as long as it happens.

Rose Queen: Your text game is strong

Snorting at the phone, I tap back a response:
