Page 43 of Undone

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I keep stroking her hair, my hand wandering down her back, the smooth skin of her ass. Pulling her in close to me, trying to erase any distance, any doubt that still exists.

Juliet’s mine and always has been.

And I am hers.

There’s never been anyone else.

“I’m sorry.” Her voice is the quietest whisper, floating up to the ceiling’s wooden beams.

“Baby,” I murmur, pressing my lips to the crown of her head.

“They meant nothing to me.”

My chest squeezes, and I’m not sure what to say, so I say nothing. Just keep stroking her soft, smooth skin. Willing her to know how I feel.

She lifts her head, gazes up at me.

“Do you forgive me?”

Her eyes wide, regretful.

How can I say anything but yes?

I kiss her, soft and slow, licking at the seam of her full lips. I’d be lying if I said it was all good. But it’s unfair to have expected more.

“I had no claim on you.”

I swallow hard over the lump in my throat, pushing down the thick heat—jealousy, anger, regret swirling around. Knowing the truth to my words but still hating that any other man ever touched her.

“What’s done is done.”

She laces her fingers in mine, sighing against my chest.

“I have to check on the goats.”

Juliet wraps her leg around my calf, her foot sliding up and down.

“Right now?”

“Yeah.” My voice comes out gruffer than I expect.

“I’ll go with you.”

“It’ll be cold out there.”

“I’ll be fine.”

Lifting her head from my chest, she unwinds her body from mine, stands. Bathed in moonlight from the window, she glows, all soft curves and perfect lines.

Mine from now on.

The thought helps calm the storm of anger and jealousy brewing inside me, a cool balm to the fire. I follow Juliet’s lead, climbing out of bed and throwing my clothes back on. She does the same and starts toward the door.


I hustle over to my dresser, pull a long-sleeved shirt out of my drawer.

“Here.” I thrust the shirt at her, and she smiles at me. Our fingers brush as she takes the garment, an electric current running between us. She tosses the shirt on, and then we head out to the barn together, me leading the way.
