Page 76 of Undone

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“Let’s do ‘Like a Prayer’ by Madonna.”

“Excellent choice.” The DJ gives his nod of approval, shuffling through his phone to cue up the music.

Everyone in the Rowdy Tractor’s staring at us, and I could absolutely kill King right now. I try to find his face in the crowd so I can scowl at him, but the light’s too blinding. Bree gives my arm a reassuring squeeze, and the music starts, purple text scrolling on the screen in front of us.

With a pounding heart, I sing the iconic words. Not needing the teleprompter but reading it anyway. Anything to keep my mind off the fact that I’m up onstage, singing to a packed house.

We start off a little shaky but quickly find our groove. Delaney throws her arm around both of us, swaying to the beat, and after the first chorus I’m much more relaxed. Almost enjoying myself.

The audience gets into it, clapping along, and Bree and Delaney start dancing. I stay focused on the song and on hitting the right notes.

Both of them fall back, and now I’m singing solo. But I don’t care at this point. Everything fades away, and I’m floating up here, drifting on the melody, carried by the beat of the music.

I nail the last note, and the crowd breaks into applause. Cheeks flushed, I smile, my chest lighter than it’s been in a long damn time.

“Juliet! You were awesome!” Bree throws her arms around me, and so does Delaney, wrapping me up tight in a group hug.

“Well done, ladies.” The DJ smiles, then ushers us off the stage so the next singer can perform.

King’s waiting for me at the bottom of the steps.

“I knew you’d be great.” He gazes at me with those dark-navy eyes, and I’ve never felt more seen.

“Thanks. Although I didn’t love the strong-arm tactics.” I chuck him on his biceps, my hand bouncing off the swell of his muscles.

“You ready to head out?” He tips his head toward the door, and excitement flutters low in my belly, heat racing to my core.

“Mm-hmm. We should say our goodbyes, though.”

King rests his hand on my lower back, guiding me over to the table, and we say goodbye.

“It was great meeting all of you.” I give Bree a quick squeeze, then Delaney.

“Oh my gosh, you all too! When are you heading back home?” Delaney asks.

“Soon. Maybe tomorrow, maybe the next day,” King says.

“Well, I hope we see each other again before then. If not, have a safe trip home!” Delaney smiles at us.

The next singer starts wailing about Margaritaville, and that’s our cue to dip.

“Bye!” We wave at the McCauliffes one more time before cutting across the room toward the exit.

Shoving through the door, we spill out into the night. The air’s chilly on my skin after being in the warmth of the Rowdy Tractor, and I shiver.

King pulls me into his body, slinging his arm around my shoulders, and I’ve never felt more content than I do right now.

“Mmm,” I murmur, leaning my head against his strong frame.

He smooths my hair from my face, glancing over at me.

“You really were something up there. They were okay, but you were amazing.” His eyes lock on mine, and my stomach swoops.

“Thank you.”

We’re at the truck, and he presses me up against the door, stretching his arms over my shoulders so we’re face-to-face, our breath syncing. Running his thumb down my jaw, he traces the outline of my face. I tip my head up, lick along the seam of my lips.

“I love you.” His eyes lock directly on mine, pupils dark and wide.
