Page 45 of Relentless Pursuit

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He pulled from my mouth reluctantly, and his forehead dropped on my shoulder.

“You’ve awakened a monster, Penelope.”

I shivered. “Okay.”

His head rose, and he eyed me from the side.

“I’m going to feed on you like this again.”



I trembled, and my pussy pulsated. “Okay.”

“Are you?” he asked.

“Yes. I think I’m in shock.”

He nodded. “Let’s get you some fuel. I mean…food.”

“Yes, yes, that’s a good idea.”

He withdrew from me slowly.

Boneless, I slipped down, my ass plopping to the floorboard and my mind in disarray.



With every bite she took, I watched Penelope’s mouth move. Her appetite increased once she’d gotten a taste of Sicilian food.

Whereas my appetite increased once I’d gotten a taste of her.

This was how it was with Penelope. I had longed for that taste for the few weeks we’d been apart. She was like a drug I’d inhaled and couldn’t indulge in, for the sake of coming to terms with my new norm.

But everything had changed when she entered the room as an offering to my father.

That one moment in time altered the trajectory of my future, hers, and the Lucas Cosa Nostra. Now, whenever I touched or tasted her, I needed more and more consistently.

A growl moved through me as she ate, smiled, licked her lips, and winked at me. Her teasing flamed my arousal, and I was already planning to put her in the most wicked positions I could imagine when I took her later.

But slowly, I was losing patience for later. I wanted her now. This instant, and when she swallowed the last of her food and dropped the utensil, I offered up an offering.


She nodded. “Yes, now is the perfect time. That food was so delicious.”

I rose to my feet and held out my hand. “Wait until you taste the street foods. You’ll love those even more.”

She accepted my hand, and her eyes twinkled. “I can’t wait.”

I led her to the bathroom and ran a shower. When I turned to face her, Penelope had removed her shirt, and her full, perky nipples bounced from her movements.

My body ignited, and my cock grew instantly hard.

“Take a shower with me, Dominic.”
