Page 49 of Relentless Pursuit

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“I didn’t know love had a smell,” I said.

“That’s because your senses are not as open as mine.”

“Dominic.” I turned to Penelope. “Do you mind translating?” she said in Italian.

“I can speak your language, dear,” my grandmother said, changing from Arabic to Italian. “I speak all languages.”

“It must’ve taken you years to learn so many languages,” Penelope responded.

“I’ve been around a while. You’d be surprised what you can learn when learning is all you do.” She reached for Penelope, and Penelope clutched her hands. “Family is important. The more we nurture relationships, the better off those relationships are…unless.” She let her thoughts linger, and Penelope responded.

“Unless what, Nonna?”

“Unless the ones who make up the unit are sour. We must know when to walk away and let destiny run its course.”

Penelope nodded, but I wondered if she understood the lesson my grandmother had taught. While I dwelled on her words, she tightened her hands around Penelope's wrists, moved up her forearm, tightened around her arms, then swiped down and released her.

Nonna’s eyes shifted to mine. “There is darkness before dawn.”

She switched back to Arabic, letting me know her words were meant only for me. “You have played in its power, but it was never something your soul was meant to carry. Beware.”

I locked my jaw, taking her words to heart.

She drew me in for another hug, then turned and walked toward the corridor she’d come from. Before she disappeared, she paused and said, “By the way, I like Penelope.”

The tension in my shoulders fell as she disappeared.

“She said my name,” Penelope whispered in awe. “How did she know my name? You never introduced us.”

“I didn’t have to. She knows who you are and if your intentions are good or bad.”

Penelope frowned. “Dear God, what did she say?”

I sucked my teeth. “She likes you.”

Penelope gasped. “Does she!?”

I nodded. “You seemed surprised.”

“I just didn’t know what to expect.”

“We should leave.” I grabbed her hand, and we left.



The next morning

There I was, stretched out across a beach chair with sunglasses over my eyes and a large beach hat on my head. The bikini matched the burnt orange color on my nails and toes, and the sun’s rays brought warmth to my body that felt gentle with the breeze.

I turned to lay on my stomach, giving the rays a chance to tan my ass and back. Last night, I’d slept like a baby.

After leaving Nonna, Dominic and I strolled a mile down the cobblestone streets before making a detour and heading back through the parade.

We hadn’t talked much, and I assumed he pondered on the things Nonna said much like I did.

“Family is important. The more we nurture relationships, the better off those relationships are.”
