Page 19 of Earth's Paladin

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The other men—Joel and Lawrence—had emptied their tranquilizer guns and charged him together. Their fleshy shapes were no match. Garou’s long reach let him grab them by the arms. His strength allowed him to veer their momentum so they crashed into each other. They hit the ground hard and groaned.

Garou waited—impatiently—growling, “I barely touched you. Get up.”

The challenge was accepted and he got to pummel them a bit more before they slumped and refused to play anymore.

By the time Garou showed Frederick’s minions the error of their ways, the sedative had burned through his elevated metabolism. The traitors to the Pack’s god lay on the ground groaning, bruised, and bleeding. Not the so-called Alpha though. That coward fled.

He’ll be back, Baptiste warned. And next time he’ll come better prepared.

“You should let me eat him.”

No eating people. We’ve talked about this.

“Then what? He’s going to try again.”

Garou made a good point.

Hence why when Daphne arrived at the SMU parking lot the following morning, she found Baptiste dressed in the clean clothes he’d found in the back, sitting in the driver's seat of his truck.

Chapter 6

Daphne sat beside a glowering Baptiste as he drove them out of Nexus. As she’d clambered into the truck beside him, she’d asked, “Changed your mind?”

He’d offered a dark look. “I need to get out of town for a bit, so might as well give you a ride. Where to?”

“The Mother says we need to drive to a place called Wyoming.”

He’d whistled. “You’re talking about an eight-hour drive.”


“Whatever.” He turned them onto the road and didn’t say another word.

Neither did she, but she did reflect on what she’d seen the day before. The beast had fought his foes with ease.

Foes she’d intentionally led to Baptiste.

It began with her overhearing a conversation in town as she passed a group of men.

“…I don’t understand how you haven’t been able to track him,” an older male with graying temples stated to another.

“It’s like nature is against us,” whined a man with a mustache. “One minute we’ll have his scent, the next, a skunk comes out of nowhere and sprays us.”

The male with a nasally voice added, “The one time we could see him in the distance, but a sudden fog had us going in circles for hours.”

“Obviously Pack enemies are working against us, trying to make us weak,” said Gray Temples. “We have to get Baptiste back.”

As they passed out of hearing, Nelly murmured, “That’s Baptiste’s uncle, Frederick. He’s the one who arranged the marriage Baptiste didn’t want. He’s a Grade-A asshole. Can’t blame Baptiste for avoiding him.”

That knowledge gave Daphne an idea. “I need your phone.”

Nelly handed it over with only a single question. “Why do you have a devious look in your eyes?”

“Because I’m going to help Baptiste realize helping me is in his best interests. Stay here a moment.”

Phone to her ear, Daphne turned around and headed back for the group of men, pretending she was speaking to someone. “Yes, I know you don’t like meat. I’ll make sure the sandwich only has those icky vegetables you like.” She paused as if listening to a reply before adding, “It’s wrong you refuse to do what is natural. Wolves are carnivores. You’re supposed to eat flesh.” Another pause. “I’ll be along with your sandwich shortly. I’ll make sure no one follows.”

The men had gone silent as they heard her, and she knew by the way she felt the uncle’s gaze tracking her retreat that he’d understood who she supposedly conversed with. As planned, they shadowed her as she made her way out of town. Nelly drove her partway, ignoring the vehicles following, before dropping her off.
