Page 21 of Earth's Paladin

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“Are you sure? Because if the witch doesn’t succeed in ending your life, I might be convinced to do it.”

He snorted. “Gee, thanks”

“You’re welcome. I can make it quick and painless.”

“You are ridiculously cocky.”

“I’m not sure how being truthful is arrogant.”

“It’s annoying.” He stopped the truck abruptly, jolting her.

“Why aren’t you driving?” she asked as he exited the vehicle.

He came around to her side and opened the door, saying, “The only reason you asked me to come was because you needed a chauffeur.”

“Nelly says one must have experience and a license to drive.”

“Well, you can’t get the latter without the former. So, let’s go. Get behind the wheel.”

“Really?” Her tone brightened as she immediately hopped into his seat. Her lips pursed as she realized her feet couldn’t reach the pedals.

He clambered into her spot. “First things first. You’ll have to adjust the seat until you can see over the steering wheel and reach the pedals. You’ll also want to tilt the rearview until you can see behind you.”

“I’m surprised humans would think to add a mirror to watch for enemies at their rear,” she commented.

“It’s to watch for cars.”

She wiggled on the seat before noting, “Why is it not adjusting?”

“Because you’ve got to use the levers.”

She eyed him blankly and he sighed as he leaned over. “They’re these little buttons on the side.” He stretched over her lap, and her breath caught while her heart did a fluttery jump.

He did something that brought up the level of her perch. Then he leaned between her legs and yanked the seat forward.

For once she had nothing to say because she found herself feeling strange. Tingling. Noticing the hairs curling at his nape. How the fabric of his shirt stretched over his broad back.

As he slid away from her, his touch ignited something in her that had been dormant for centuries.


The shock of the realization led to her missing part of his instructions.

“…it’s automatic so once you release the brake, the truck will start rolling.”

“Can you explain again? I’m not sure I fully understood.”

“Right foot goes on the left pedal. Hold it as you shift into gear,” he explained.

“Shifting being that stick.” She put her hand on the knob and her foot on the left pedal.

“Yes. Now, holding the brake, click it to the letter D.”

She eyed the symbols blankly and had to admit, “I don’t know how to read.”

He put his hand over hers. “This spot.” He kept hold as he pulled the lever into a spot with a symbol of a circle cut in half.

The truck noise changed.
