Page 23 of Earth's Paladin

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Because he recognizes my greatness.

You’re not a god.

Close enough, Garou countered.

Whatever. Baptiste wasn’t about to start arguing about it again.


Stop quoting Venom. He should have never watched that movie.

Best action film ever. Still waiting to see the sequel.


Moments like this I wish I’d been born in someone else.

Me too. Because then he’d have never been engaged to Diandra and she wouldn’t have died.

“Stop that,” Daphne suddenly said.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, rolling over.

“I can hear you moping from here and it’s disturbing my rest.”

Hahahaha. She caught you.

“Fuck off, you cannot,” he groused.

“I notice you’re not denying it.”

“Why do you care?”

“I don’t but I am curious. Why did your uncle arrange a marriage? Were you incapable of finding your own mate?”

Admit he didn’t date much? Never. “They arranged the alliance with Diandra because I am the Garou. They wanted to ensure the Mother of my children came from a good werewolf family. One with a pure bloodline.”

“Who is they?”

“My uncle. The pack. They tried to organize my life. Should have heard them flip when I told them I had joined the Cryptid Authority.”

“You defied them.”


“But agreed to the marriage?”

That had been the only way to not get tossed from the CA. His uncle had threatened to pull strings if he didn’t agree. “I didn’t mind Diandra. She was nice.”

“You did not love her.”

“I respected her, and in time it might have become something more.”

“Humans are obsessed with love,” she remarked with distinct distaste.

“Not just humans. Haven’t you ever been in love?” He couldn’t have said why he asked.

