Page 69 of Earth's Paladin

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He grabbed her around the waist and swung her until she gasped, “You’re going to wear my lunch if you don’t stop.”

A good enough reason to set her on her feet and give her a long kiss. “I love you, Psycho.” More than he could have ever imagined.

Being Daphne, she sassed, “I love you more, my beast. Now feed me. The babies are hungry.”

* * *

In the next state over…

In the months since Marissa’s return from her sojourn in Nexus, her Cryptid Authority office transformed. Given the previous boss’s misdoings with Circe, management had been replaced. Ralph had also finally been fired and last she heard, worked as a security guard for some auto parts place.

Since they were short-staffed, Marissa had been working solo, which she enjoyed. No one to mess up her car or get in her way. Alas, when she accidentally destroys some private property while securing a cryptid, her new boss suddenly decides she needs a babysitter. His name? Koda Whiteclaw. A CA celebrity super-agent and go-to problem solver, who also happens to be an attractive man with a tanned complexion, grayish-white hair, and a body to drool over.

Seduction will have to wait, though, as they’ll be entangled in a mystery that will threaten her life while also shedding light on her mysterious past.
