Page 126 of Kissing Kin

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“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you.” Luke crossed the room. “And I’m sorry for stomping off. The Pierce’s Disease, the hail, and now the rain have taken their toll.” He sighed. “But I shouldn’t take out my frustrations on you.” Holding out his arms, he moved a step closer. “If you’ll have me, do you still want to get married?”

Chapter 18

I wanted to wrap my arms around him, but I sat rooted to my chair, squirming as I replayed the phone call. Cody called me. I didn’t call him, so why do I feel I’ve been unfaithful?

Luke’s shoulders slumped as his arms fell to his sides. “That’s no?”

“No.” Guilt or no guilt, I jumped off the chair, snuggling against him until his arms enfolded me. “That’s definitely not no.” Conforming my body to his, I kissed him, communing nonverbally.

As he came up for air, he smiled. “That’s more like it.” Then looking about the cabin, he noticed the candle. “Why are all the lights off?” He tightened his grip. “Planning a romantic evening?”

“No, the power went out.”

“It did?” His arms fell to his sides. “When?”

“Right after you left.” I narrowed my eyes. “Where were you?”

“In the shed, but it never lost power.” He flicked the switch, and the room flooded with light.

“What the…?” I shook my head, questioning my memory. “After the lights went out, a shadow crossed the room, then lifted a veil—”


“Maybe.” I shrugged. “Maybe the candlelight was playing tricks on my eyes, but I’d swear a see-through figure showed me its face before it floated through the door.”

“Not this again.” He met my gaze. “I thought we were rid of ghosts.”

“Me, too, but that’s what I saw.” I chewed my lip, debating whether to bring up another topic. “And speaking of ghosts…from the past…” Already regretting it, I hesitated.


“Cody called tonight.”

“And you answered?” His eyes burned into me.

“I thought it was you. The phone rang moments after you stormed out—”

“What did he want?”

“He said a sixth sense told him to call me, which is odd—”

“So now he’s simpatico?” His scowl telegraphed his scorn. “Do you still have feelings for him?”

“No, Cody’s just an old friend.” Isn’t he?

My phone rang.

Rather than interrupt our conversation, I turned off the ringer, but the vibration continued.

“Are you going to get that?” Luke gave me a withering glare. “Or won’t you answer Lover Boy while I’m here?”

Rolling my eyes, I pressed connect. “Hello.”

The line was dead.

Disconnecting, I shrugged. “Whoever it was hung up.”

“Lover Boy?”
