Page 64 of The Almost Romantic

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The hair on the back of my neck stands on end.




That’s hardly the tone Sebastian used when he wooed me. Neither for the date nor to buy my store. I turn around carefully, wishing I had a tray in my hand, a fork, a phone. Anything.

He just came out of the men’s room and I’m standing in the small back hall, away from customers.

“I don’t know what you mean,” I say, but I have some guesses.

None of them are good.

“Why don’t we try again? I’m happy to increase the offer.” His words are friendly, but the tone is chilly. He gives a new number. A ten percent increase. I hate that it’s tempting. But I hate, too, that it’s still a low-ball offer.

“I appreciate your interest. Truly, I do, but I’m committed to doing this on my own.”

He advances closer, holds his arms out wide, a gesture that says you have nothing to be afraid of.

Why does fear slide down my spine then? Why do I want a weapon?

“I’m just down the street,” he presses. “You can’t fight my shop forever. You’re one store here in San Francisco. I’m forty nationwide. It would just be easier if we joined forces. You wouldn’t need to rely on a”—he pauses, as if he’s looking for the right word—“a titillating video to drive sales.”

That word. It’s said derisively. And with his eyes straying to my chest.

I want to wrap my arms around myself, but I stand my ground. “I don’t rely on videos. I rely on ability.”

“Right, of course. Sure. But you’ve clearly seen the benefit of partnership with a man. As evidenced by your partnership with your”—he takes a beat, like the word tastes sour on his tongue—“fiancé. Wouldn’t it be wise to partner with me as well?”

Why am I not surprised he’s sexist too? “Because I can’t do this on my own as a woman?”

He rolls his eyes. “No, don’t be silly. But you can do it better with me.”

Silly? Screw that. “I disagree.”

“Fine, I’ll admit you’ve seen a nice increase in business from the video. But it won’t last.”

“So that’s what this is about? You’re mad I’ve gained business over you because of a video?”

“Of course not.”

But that’s a lie. Of course he’s jealous. He’s been telling me as much ever since I turned down his buyout offer.

“You need somebody like me who has deep pockets to keep this going past the viral video.” His smile is so patronizing. “That’s just a stunt. You need something that lasts.”

I cross my arms. “I make really good chocolate. Everyone that’s coming in here likes it. That’s what lasts.”

“Elodie,” he says, relentless. “You’re a smart businesswoman. You wouldn’t have built this if you weren’t smart.”

His gray eyes take a salacious tour of my body, over the bodice of my pink dress with black polka dots, over the swing in my skirt, over my waist. My skin crawls as I say, “Again, the answer is no.”

With a shake of his head, he gives a you’ll regret it sigh. “That just makes me want to compete even harder with you.” He smiles, plastic and predatory.

Alarm bells ring in my head, but I try not to let on. “Why is that your first response though? There’s room for both of us.”

“Ah, but see? That’s where we disagree. It would just be so much easier if we could go into business together. I want the shop. I want this location. I want you as the face of the brand.” He sounds like a child stomping his foot. I want the red fire truck. “Especially after that video. That’s why I’m offering you the increase. How about fifteen percent? That lasts. You could use that to take care of Amanda. Surely that’s the responsible thing to do.”
