Page 59 of Shattered Obsession

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“It’s also a great place for newcomers to any city. You can find out where the hot spots are, or if you are in need of something…there are always recommendations.”

I nod absentmindedly, biting off a piece of cold fry. “What’s it called?”

“Rabbit Hole.” Via pulls out her phone and flips it around to show me what the app looks like.


“Also, if you ever actually want to go anywhere and need some company, I’m happy to show you around the city.”

“Yeah, I’d really like that.” I smile, hoping the offer is genuine, but not sure I’ll ever take her up on it. Making the first move to hang out with anyone is always scary.

It’s not that I don’t want to be friends with Via. I just don’t know if New York will become my home. I can’t afford anything here with my current salary.

Disappointment is not something I seek regularly, so if I can avoid relationships and interactions, I do. Because when they end, and they always end…it is easier to sever the tie. Besides, the fear of rejection is crippling.

“Now that all my dirty laundry has been aired out, tell me about you.”

“Not much to say. I’ve been at Bloom for years and will probably never leave. I’d love to get into more of the event management side of the business, but we’ll see if Tracy will ever let me go. I’m sort of her right hand.” She shakes her head, smiling as if this is something they joke about often.

“Does she pay you well at least?” Grimacing, I quickly correct myself. “Sorry. You totally don’t have to answer that.”

“It’s fine, girl. Yes, I told her if she wanted me to stay, she had to pay me way more than an assistant’s salary, and she somehow pulled it off. She’s a magician, that one.”

“Good. I’m happy you did that.”

“Of course. I don’t take bullshit from anyone. It’s every person for themselves out there, and you have to always remember that.”

“Always,” I say. “Okay, my turn. You grilled me earlier, now give me your resume.”

Via bursts out laughing, but she doesn’t shy away. “Okay, okay. I’m from New Jersey, born and raised. I’m twenty-four and currently single. I love relationships but loathe dating. Trying to find epic love in hook-up culture is next to impossible.” Her face scrunches up, as if she’s trying to remember anything else she might have forgotten to mention. “Oh, and one fun fact about me is I love smut.”

“Smut?” I question, having never heard the word before. I’m hoping it’s some sort of New York lingo and I don’t look like a total idiot.

Via’s jaw drops to the table. “Excuse me? Did you just ask me what smut is?”

Instantly regretting asking the question, I mouth sorry, pulling into myself. Why couldn’t I have Googled it later like a normal person?

“Girl, we’re going to the bookstore so I can introduce you to smut. Or actually, just take my books. Do you have a Kindle?”

I nod, and she lets out a sigh of relief. “Good. So you do read… What is your genre of choice?”

“Horror. Mystery. Psychological thrillers.”

“That’s fine….but you’re going to love smut.”

“You haven’t told me what it is yet.” Still confused, I resist the urge to pull out my phone.

“Look it up.” She smirks, sipping on her soda and watching me intently as I pull out my phone and type the word into the Google search bar.

A small flake of soot or other dirt.

Nope, that can’t be it.

I click on Urban Dictionary next.

Erotic writing that contains explicit, sexual content.

I laugh, looking up to see Via’s eyes beaming as she nods her approval.

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