Page 87 of Shattered Obsession

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No. Calm down, it’s fine. I’m a big girl. Just…I might need your help.

The dots linger for a long time, and my heart begins to race, wondering if I’m asking for too much. Even a fresh start hasn’t been fresh for me. My baggage from back home is too heavy for even me to carry.


I’ll be whatever you need, Zoe.



Thank you, Dominik. I promise to be the best fake girlfriend you’ve ever had.


You’ll be the only girlfriend I’ve ever had.

Excuse me? Surely not.


You’re joking.


I’ll drop by after work tomorrow to go over my schedule for the next couple of months.


Okay. Night.

He ignores my statement, and I place my phone down on the comforter, still baffled at the fact that Dominik has never had a girlfriend. How is that possible? The guy seems to have it all, except for a couple of loose bolts in his head, but everyone has issues. He could have whomever he wants and he chooses not to date? It must get lonely for someone without abandonment issues.

I get up to hang my towel and my phone buzzes.


Goodnight. And Zoe…thank you. For all of this.

I smile, imagining him lying in bed, staring down at his phone and typing out the thank you message to me before he falls asleep. I wonder what’s going through his head and how much he’s hating needing my help right now. If he’s never had a girlfriend, this invasion into his personal life must be frustrating as hell. But I would be lying if I said I wasn’t slightly excited about it. I’ll never tell him that, because deep down, I know he’s dreading the next few months he has to spend pretending he actually likes me.

And I’ll need a distraction to get through everything going on in my life.

Pulling out my laptop, I open a new browser and type Rabbit Hole into the internet search bar.



That’s the third fucking shot I’ve missed at practice today.

I’m feeling incredibly off my game, and it seems like everyone has noticed. I’m well aware that if I steal a glance at Coach, his face will be as red as a strawberry.

This isn’t typical of me. Normally, I don’t let external issues affect my performance on the ice. Hockey has been my refuge for as long as I can remember, the only thing that truly helps me escape. But everything is different now.

“Lewis! Get your head out of your ass!” Coach’s howl steals my attention. His arms are crossed, his face is beet-red, and he’s furiously chewing on gum, likely grinding his molars to dust, all thanks to me.
