Page 100 of Marry Me Forever

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“What? Sex? Or coffee?”

I lightly smacked her butt. “Coffee.”

“I can get grumpy.” She traced shapes on my chest. And even though it was innocent, my dick stirred again.

“I get the same way without coffee. I also get hangry if I don’t eat.”

“That’s the case with anyone in your family.”

“And now you know why we fight for the biggest cuts of meat at the table.”

My siblings and I often played a game when we got together for dinner. Beck deliberately cut the meat into different sizes and it became a battle to get the bigger pieces. Because once it was on your plate, no one could touch it.

Just remembering the last time we’d done that made me realize how much I missed those kinds of silly games.

“What is it?” Katie asked.

“Hmm? Oh. I was just thinking of the last time I had dinner with my family.”

“They miss you when you stay away, you know.”

“I know.”

She remained quiet for a few beats as she continued to stroke my chest. Then she said, “Well, West and Emmy’s wedding is coming up. Do you think the reception dinner will be the same way?”

I laughed. “I don’t know if Emmy would like that. Knowing my family, they’d end up tossing food and her dress would be ruined.”

“Then maybe a wedding where everyone wore jeans and T-shirts, in case of a food fight, would be fun.”

Was she talking about if she ever got married?

If we got married?

Since pressuring her was the last thing I wanted to do this early into our little vacation, I distracted her with a kiss. When we were both breathless, I finally rolled her over and sat up. “If I stay in bed any longer with you, we’ll never leave it. And I have one more surprise for you.”

“Nolan. You spoil me too much.”

I shook my head. “This one wasn’t expensive at all.” I put out a hand. “Come on. We’ll get ready, find super strong coffee just for you, and have some fun in the sun.”

It would be in the 80s today, so taking her to the beach was perfect. For many reasons.

And soon we were ready, armed with a giant bag of necessary beach stuff—according to Katie—and I guided her down the private path to the beach.

When we finally broke through the trees, the view of the sandy beach and rolling waves made Katie gasp.

“A beach!”

And she ran down toward the water. I followed close on her heels.

Chapter Twenty-Nine


Me: You won’t believe what Nolan did for me. Look at the pics!

Cassie: Woah, a temple at sunset AND the beach?

Sam: He really does love you, doesn’t he?
