Page 145 of Marry Me Forever

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Katie replied, “That Nolan’s movie is going to do amazingly well and become a yearly favorite.”

Aunt Lori nodded. “Of course it will. Anyone who says otherwise, well, they’ll have to deal with me.”

My aunt was barely five feet tall, and yet her expression said she meant it.

I nodded to Fernando and then kissed Aunt Lori’s cheek. “Thanks, Aunt Lori.”

I looked at each of my siblings and their spouses. “I’m glad you could all be here tonight. I know you’re all busy.”

Beck shook his head. “Of course we’d be here, Nolan. This movie is special to you, which makes it special to us.”

Zach nodded. “Besides, my daughter loves dragons and if I don’t get one of those special stuffed toys they’re handing out, I’ll never hear the end of it.”

Amber rolled her eyes. “You want the dragon, not Luna.”

Zach looked sheepish. “Maybe.”

West grunted. “Can we get going? The longer we stay here, the longer I expect to hear Ben calling for his mother, and I want Emmy to myself tonight.”

Emmy shook her head. “Stop worrying. It’s just a phase he’s going through, West. Ben loves you too.”

I said, “I feel you, brother. Bowen’s first word was ‘Mama’ and it took him months to say ‘Dada.’”

Abby sighed. “I thought this was an adult night of fun?”

Rafe hugged her close. “It will be. Come on. The limos should be here by now. Nolan and I each ordered one because as much as I love your family, there’s no way I want to squish fourteen people into one car.”

Abby laughed. “I’d like to see us try. Then we pull up to the red carpet, we all come out, and the press will think it’s like one of those clown cars.”

Katie looked up at me. “Can we try that?”

“Next time, baby. My company has a lot riding on tonight.”

She nodded. “I know, and don’t worry, I don’t want to have Zach elbow me in the side, or for one of you tall people to accidentally kick me with your long legs.”

I pulled her close. “I’d protect you.”

“Oh, so now you’re arguing for us to ride together?”

“Er, no. Not exactly.”

Katie laughed and patted my chest. “Don’t worry, I also don’t want to wrinkle my dress. Now, come on. We don’t want to be late. If Jenn and Tina have to wait too long for us, we’ll never hear the end of it.”

So we piled into the two limos and headed for my movie premiere. It was weird and wonderful to be surrounded by most of the people I loved in the world tonight. It was still hard to believe that I’d not only grown close to my family again, but had also found the love of my life, my person, my home.

And with Katie at my side, I could face anything. What had started out as a plan to free myself had ended up bringing me the one person I never wanted to let go.
