Page 36 of Marry Me Forever

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Since I enjoyed his rather firm thigh under my fingers, I kept my hand in place.

Even though I wanted to slide it up, up, until I could maybe determine the state of his dick. Would it be hard again? Or, could he control his erections like his acting?

Before I could imagine Nolan starring in a porno and me being his personal fluffer, I said, “Tell me what’s got you so jumpy. And don’t say nothing. Because while this may all be fake, we should at least be honest with each other.”

His thigh muscle twitched beneath my hand before he replied, “I’m worried about Aunt Lori. I’ve never been able to lie to her before.”

Since touching Nolan scrambled my brains, I removed my hand and sat back in my seat. “Well, it’s not technically a lie. We are engaged for now, right? Neither of us will be dating anyone else, only each other.”

He let out a slow breath. “It’s still not the entire truth, is it?”

“We can call it off, if it’s weighing that heavily on you.”


I blinked at his vehement answer. “No?”

He cleared his throat. “No, we’ve come so far, and I still have a lot of surprises in store for you. Aren’t you the least bit curious to find out what they are?”

As I glanced down at my ring and the stollen and marzipan from the market, I replied, “You’ve already spoiled me enough, Nolan.”

“Not even close. You deserve the moon, Katie, if you want it.” He reached over and squeezed my hand before removing it again. “And you know what you have to do, if you want to stop.”

I had to tell him I wanted out.

And yet, I didn’t. Not just because Nolan supposedly had some more surprises planned for me, either.

Studying his profile, I zeroed in on his mouth. The mouth that could be quiet in groups but didn’t have a problem talking with me.

A mouth that liked to kiss me like he might die if he didn’t.

Add in his sweet gestures and stepping in to help me with the Mean Girls—but never overstepping and taking over—and a girl could get addicted to having that kind of guy as her own.

Was it so wrong I wanted a little more time with him?

To distract myself, I decided chatter would be best. “I’m looking forward to Christmas at my parents’ house and that fancy New Year’s party. I can’t remember the last time I went to Los Angeles. Maybe as a teenager? We went to Disneyland a few times, but never north to L.A.”

“I’ll take you wherever you want to go, even Disneyland. Just not Magic Mountain.”

“Why not? Six Flags can be fun.”

“Promise me you won’t laugh.”

As he shifted in his seat, I did my best not to smile. “I promise.”

“Well, when I was a kid, I threw up on one of the roller coasters. It was me and Beck and West with my parents—the others were too young, or not born yet, and had stayed with my grandparents. The whole time, my brothers badgered me to go on one of the upside-down rides. My dad asked me repeatedly if I was sure, and I said yes, but ended up getting sick. The only good thing about it all was that Beck and West sat in front of me and got the worst of it.”

I laughed. “Sounds like karma. But you’re not the only one to do something because an older sibling challenged you. Kyle and Cassie convinced me to go on Space Mountain before I was ready. I didn’t throw up on the ride, but soon after, and I had to spend the rest of the day in our hotel room. Sometimes, older siblings suck.”

“Agreed.” Nolan glanced at me and smiled. “This is nice.”

“What is?”

“Talking about childhood vomit stories instead of people asking me to take off my shirt. Or being interviewed about my love life and travel plans. Or, even why I don’t let anyone tour my house.”

“It’s your house, so screw them. But I’m curious—are privacy concerns the only reason you don’t want to give a tour?”

