Page 45 of Marry Me Forever

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Zane raised an eyebrow. “If you’re inviting me to a party in L.A. or to ride motorcycles together, that will have to wait.”

I rolled my eyes. “Do you remember me at all?”

Zane snorted. “Fair point. I can leave the house for short periods of time, if that’s what you’re asking. Even if Aunt Lori would rather chain me to this chair to keep me close.”

“Only because I love you, lad, and it’s been so long since we were all together for Christmas.”

The doorbell rang, and Abby went to answer it. West, Emmy, Avery, and Wyatt entered the room.

West blinked. “Zane?”

Avery tilted her head. “The Uncle Zane I’ve never met?”

With Zach’s help, Zane got to his feet and walked over to Avery. He put out a hand. “Zach says you’re the princess of the manor. Nice to meet you, your highness. I would bow, except then I might fall over and not be able to get up. I’ll need a rescue team.”

He winked, and Avery giggled. “You’re funny, like Uncle Zach.”

The corner of Zane’s mouth kicked up. “I try, but he’s funnier.” He turned to Wyatt. “And you must be my new favorite nephew.”

Wyatt crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m your only nephew.”

“I heard you like horses, which I love too. So you’ll probably always be my favorite.”

Zane winked again, and Wyatt smiled.

Emmy and West walked up to Zane. Emmy spoke up. “Zane. It’s been so long! It’s good to see you.”

He hugged her, and then replied, “Long enough that you’ve fallen in love with my brother and want to marry the grumpy bastard.”

Avery nodded. “She’s going to be our new mom. And she’s the best. She even has a swimming pool.”

Zane chuckled. “Having a pool does tip someone over into greatness.”

West rolled his eyes and then shook Zane’s hand. “I forgot how annoying you are. Fuck, you and Zach together? I’m going to need a lot of ibuprofen. And whiskey.”

“Bad word, Daddy,” Avery scolded.

Aunt Lori jumped in. “Now that everyone’s here, I can tell you the other part of my surprise. The six of you are going to The Watering Hole for a few drinks while Emmy, Sabrina, Avery, and Wyatt help me with last-minute cookie decorations.” She glanced at me. “I’m sorry to hear that Katie still isn’t feeling well.”

“Me, too. She hasn’t seen Zane in forever, either.”

Sabrina stood. “Avery, if we hurry, we might be able to make those cookies you came up with a few months ago. Should we try?”

“Yes! Come on, Emmy. You need to learn how to make them, too. I already taught Sabrina.”

Wyatt sighed. “Do I really have to help? I hate baking. It’s boring.”

Aunt Lori placed her hands on his shoulders. “You can help me wrap some presents, and then you can pick a Christmas movie to watch with everyone later.”

“Okay. I know just the one to annoy Avery. It’ll be great.”

Avery stuck out her tongue. “You suck, Wyatt.”

Aunt Lori made a shooing motion. “Now, go, the six of you. Try to get back by dinnertime so we can all watch the movie together. And yes, we all will. Don’t even think of trying to sneak off. Understood?”

We all mumbled, “Yes, Aunt Lori.”

No matter how old we got, some things would never change.
