Page 115 of Nightmare Rising

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I ached—my lungs, my heart, my wrists from his unrelenting grip.

He leaned down and inhaled my scent.

Prey. I felt like prey.

My heart beat in my throat, a maddening flutter against his palm.

“Val—” I said, shakily.

He pulled back and smiled. “Hello, my pretty.”

Fuck. Oh fuck.What had I done to Val?

What had I unleashed?

Releasing my throat, he jammed himself between my legs, his cock up, twitching obscenely, pumped large enough that I glimpsed the fat head bobbing above my jeans. I drew breath to scream.

He stuffed his fingers into my mouth, smashing lip against teeth as he jammed in a wad of bandages to shut me up. He wrapped more over my mouth, winding them around and over my head, sticking one of my eyes shut.

Fear turned to horror.

I thrashed to get free, to kick him away with my heels, but he leaned in closer, painfully crushing my pelvis—him and car metal, with me sandwiched between. He was strong. A man who’d almost died shouldn’t be this strong.

He wrenched me upright again, hand back on my throat, squeezing into the soft tissue under my jaw.

Scratching and punching only spurred him on. Grabbing my hair, he whipped me forward and slammed me face-first into the chain-mesh fence. The cold, hard wire hurt.

He held me there, gasping, pinned with a single hand high in the middle of my back. The side of my face, my breasts, my thighs, were squashed against the heavy crisscrossed chain.

“Stay. We’re about to have some fun.”

Something stirred in the dirty water below and past the fence. Wincing, rasping in air past the mask of bandages, I tried to track what was moving the water. My eyeballs twitched sideways to their limits. I spat out some of the saliva-sodden material in my mouth. Though I clawed at the chain mesh, fingers finding leverage, I couldn’t move myself further than an inch.

Black tentacles looped from the surface, whipping outward, unfurling, churning the water.

“Ahhh,” the man behind me purred, his voice sounding deeper, throatier than ever before. “Here he comes. Everybody loves to party.”

As if it were an absentminded hobby, he hummed, whistled, and added running poetic commentary as he stripped off my jeans, ripped away bra, shirt, and panties. The shredding of the cloth bruised me to the bone, jangled the fence.

Where were the people?

The world was waking; someone had to come.

To work.

To save me.

Blackness flowed and squirmed up the bank. I jerked, instinct screaming to run, but I was helpless as the horror inched up the fence, threaded between the mesh, and pulled me against the chain, tighter, harder...around my arms, around my throat, around my eyes...

I couldn’t see.

My breath rasped against the bandages, lungs so tight I couldn’t pull in enough air.

“Once, there was a girl dressed in red, all in red—” Val’s hand rubbed down my naked back. “—awake from sleep, we have promises to keep. Litter, litter, everywhere.”

I tensed as I heard him sorting through something. Tinkling, rattling—as if he’d found the garbage pile. My teeth met through the gag.

A blow of fire struck my back, knocking the air out of my lungs and into my throat, finally I screamed.
