Page 68 of Alaric

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His fingers grabbed my shorts and panties, dragging them down, exposing me inch by inch.

And I just… went along with it.

Lifting up so the material could slide down, letting my thighs fall open as he kissed up from my knee.

My body felt in a state of overwhelm, every nerve ending firing off at the same time, stealing anything even resembling a thought.

Alaric’s hair tickled my inner thigh just a second before I felt his tongue tracing up my cleft.

My breath sucked in at the sensation that nearly made me jolt off of the bed.

“Easy,” Alaric murmured, his arms sliding under my thighs, then wrapping around them, anchoring me to the bed as he continued his slow, torturous path toward my clit.

Even when he made it there, he refused to give me direct contact, just making circles around that had me whimpering and writhing, my hands grabbing the back of his neck or sinking into his hair.

My back arched off of the mattress as he drove me upward, making my entire body tense, my muscles shaking from the intensity before, finally, his tongue started to work my clit.

The orgasm shot through my body like a current, making me cry out as the pleasure pinged off of every nerve ending.

Even as the climax eased, my body seemed to be struggling to find composure, making little shudders course through me.

Alaric’s chin rested on the apex above my sex, his eyes heavy-lidded, a warmth in them that made my heart melt.

And it was precisely then that Frida jumped up on the side of the bed, pushing her cold, wet nose into Alaric’s bare side, making him shoot upward onto his knees.

“Fuck,” he hissed, shaking his head. “The dog,” he added, putting it together.

“She does that when she needs to go out,” I explained, suddenly acutely aware of my boobs out and my legs spread.

I snapped them together as I yanked my top back up.

Alaric’s head tipped to the side, disappointment shooting across his face before he tamped it down.

“I’ll take her,” he offered, already climbing off the bed to do so.

The magic of that beautiful moment, though, was gone after that. Replaced by the monotony of a morning routine.

Taking out Frida.

Feeding her.

Making coffee—for him—and tea—for me.

Getting dressed.

Then making a plan for the day.

First stop, phone replacement. And I lucked out in that I could get a new one with my service at the local chain electronic store. Which would also allow me to grab a new camera.

“Do you want to stop home to get Frida?” Alaric asked afterward as I programmed my phone. “Or do you think she’s going to be freaked by all of the mess?”

“I think we should leave her. Hopefully, we won’t be too long. You said there was glass all around,” I added, tucking my phone in its ugly, but protective, case into the cupholder, and reaching for the box with the camera instead.

It was a nicer one than the one I had previously, and I was excited to play with it. Sure, I primarily used my last one to take feet pictures and videos, but I also snapped some awesome pictures of the very photogenic Frida, the beach, various birdsor lizards if I wasn’t actively trying to calm Frida down from attacking or running away from them.

“Are you nervous?” he asked, glancing over at me. “About having to call the police,” he clarified.
