Page 86 of Alaric

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“I do.”

“You don’t have to—“

“Thought we covered the wholeI wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean itthing,” I cut her off, watching as her shoulders fell.

“I know I’m being crazy,” she admitted, sucking in a deep breath, then letting it out slowly. “I think I’m just putting a lifetime of pressure on this,” she said.

“Baby, there’s nothing to be nervous about. This isn’t a high school party full of dickheads who think they make themselves look better by tearing down the girls around them. We’re all grown-ass men.”

“Yeah, but sometimes it’s the girls who are even worse than the guys,” she admitted.

And, yeah, she’d mentioned the girls she’d gone to school with. And the nasty shit they’d said to her over the years.

Apparently, a young Siana had been all straight up and down, not a single curve to speak of all through high school. With glasses and braces. As well as, she admitted, a terrible sense of style.

“That’s not these girls,” I assured her. “The club girls are only interested in the single bikers. The wives and girlfriends of the other bikers are all good people. I can vouch for them. Not a bully in the group.”

“It’s not that I don’t trust you,” she said, but she was reaching for one of her glasses cleaner wipes, then her glasses themselves. “It’s just… old traumas, I guess,” she admitted, cleaning her lenses. “I’m sure you’re right and they’re all…” she trailed off, her gaze lifting to mine. “Hey… did you… forget to mention that your sister is going to be there?” she asked, brow raised.

Caught, I tried to play it off. “I assumed you would, you know, assume she was there.”

“You little liar,” she accused, narrowing her eyes at me as she took a playful swat at me. “I guess it was good I didn’t know until now,” she went on. “Okay,” she said, sighing. “I’m as ready as I’m gonna get.”

So we were off.



It was so incredibly loud.

I mean, I probably should have guessed that. But knowing it and hearing it were two completely different things.

The music was thumping from several interior and exterior speakers, the bass rattling your bones anywhere you walked.

It wasn’t just the music, though.

It was the people.

Raised conversations to be heard over the music, laughter, screams as women were thrown into the pool.

The club members themselves and their women made up, I don’t know, fifteen or so of the bodies around. But then there were several friends of the club. The ‘club women’ who, online, I found were usually called ‘clubwhores,’ made up another ten or so people.

As the party really got going, though, several more men dressed in leather cuts showed up. But the emblem was different than the ones the Henchmen wore.

“Who’re they?” I asked, nodding toward the men.

Alaric’s brows drew together. “Don’t know for sure. Best guess, they’re the Coral Springs Knights.”

“Coral Springs Knights?” I asked.

“Another club in the general area. Newer. But they do different work than we do, so our clubs are trying to be friendly. Mind if I go say hi?” he asked.

To his credit, he hadn’t left my side, save for to go grab me a drink.

“Yeah, go ahead. I’m okay,” I assured him, forcing a smile.

I couldn’t use him as a crutch.
