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"We'll have two of the deluxe breakfasts and orange juice," Elliott ordered and Hannah felt her spine stiffen. She wasn't a fan of being ordered for. But it was exactly what she was in the mood for, so she let it slide.

Hannah sipped her coffee as Elliott handed back the menus and looked around. "So how many people in this room hate me for defiling the town babysitter?" he asked and Hannah choked on her coffee.

"Definitely not my mother..." she said, noticing Moira had conveniently decided to have brunch with a few friends at the inn that morning. She had winked at Hannah as they sat down and then nodded at Elliott's back with an appreciative grin.

Elliott's eyebrows shot up. "Your mother is here?" he asked and there was real male terror in his voice.

Hannah wanted to laugh but took pity on him instead. "It's not like that. My mother is..."

"A free-love hippie. And by 'free love' I mean she had really enjoyed her share of men before settling down," Emily said, pulling up a chair at the side of them, not caring that she was completely blocking the aisle for the servers.

"Way to make mom sound like a slut, Emmy," Hannah said, smiling.

"Hey, I'm just helping ease this guy's nerves," Emily said, her eyes piercing into Elliott. "You have nothing to worry about with Moira. She is probably thinking it was about damn time Hannah got herself some... male company."

"Em," Hannah rolled her eyes.

"Hey, that was tame. My original phrase rhymed with duck... and muddy."

"Oh, my God shut up," Hannah said, her cheeks turning read.

Elliott sat back, enjoying the banter at his table. He and Hannah had made some progress in the linguistic department, but they were still utterly awkward together. Having a third party was making the morning easier. And watching Emily tease Hannah in an older-sister kind of way was amusing and telling. Hannah's blush was ridiculous and adorable.

He casually glanced around, trying to spot Moira. His eyes found her easily, a gorgeous older version of Hannah at a table of four other women. Her head shot up as soon as his eyes landed on her. She looked different with her hair down and a lack of paint on her delicate white dress. She smiled at him widely, a warm genuine smile. He smiled back, his chin lifting in acknowledgment.

He never had to deal with the strangeness of seeing a woman's parents much. Dan being the exception, but that was all very formal and expected as though Dan and her father had talked about it many times before.

It felt odd for him to see a woman who clearly understood that he was having sex, casually, with her daughter.

He looked back as Emily's chair scraped back. The food had arrived and she was excusing herself.

They ate in relative silence, both lost in their own thoughts.

"You're coming back with me today," Elliott's voice said, firm, final.

Hannah put her fork down. "I have my car here," she said as way of an excuse. She wasn't ready to head back into that snake den again.

"Well, then take your car, but you're coming back today."

Hannah felt her anger rising. "Oh, am I now?" she said pointedly, more accusation than question.

Elliott shrugged. "I need you back at work," he said casually and he noticed a darkness cross her eyes. Disappointment? "And I want you back in my bed," he finished and watched her struggle to find her words. He knew before it came out that he had her.

"Well, in that case," she said as she moved her empty plate to the edge of the table. "Alright. But I wont be leaving for a bit. I want to spend a little time with my parents and Em before I go. I haven't been back here in a while."

Elliott nodded. "Fine. But I need to get back. I had Sally cancel my appointments but I want to keep an eye on things regardless."

"Right," Hannah said, realizing that he had never spent much time away from the office. He probably didn't know what to do with himself when he had a day off.

Elliott paid and went up to his room to pack. Hannah told him she was going to hang back and talk to her mother. A decision she instantly regretted when her mother greeted her with, "Hey baby, did you two get any sleep last night?" she paused. A perfect innocent question until, "Or did that hunky example of manhood keep you up all night?"

The rest of their meeting went much the same. All the women took turns teasing her about her new male suitor and Hannah sat there, red and embarrassed. She mused that it was well overdue, that this kind of thing was supposed to be part of her teen years and her mother had never really gotten a chance. And while she had loved Sam, Moira in all her motherly wisdom, knew it wasn't the right fit for her daughter.

When Moira gestured toward the doorway, Hannah looked up and saw Elliott, his hands holding his and her bags. She kissed her mother and went toward the front desk where Elliott was checking out. She reached for her bag, but Elliott held onto it firmly. Rolling her eyes, she followed him out toward the street where she had parked her beat up car behind his shiny new one.

Elliott put his bags into his trunk and then placed hers in hers. He slammed the door closed and looked up at Elliott who promptly hauled her against him, his mouth coming down on hers desperately. Her arms went around his neck, her fingers clutching his hair. His tongue gently slipped into her mouth and she felt her legs give out. His arms pulled her tighter, up and off her feet, her breasts crushed against his hard chest.

He growled somewhere deep in his chest and set her on her feet, releasing her slowly. She felt herself struggle for breath and was pleased to find him doing the same.
