Page 38 of Unforgettable

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“No. I was sweating that. Because, top on my list is that Korsak allows those other men to rape women and young girls. I know nothing of Pavlovich’s sexual needs and, for all I know, he may do the same thing. I was praying he wouldn’t ask because I didn’t want to go there.”

Daria drew in a deep breath. “That would have marked you with Korsak for sure.”

“Yes.” Grimly, Nik looked away and shook his head. “This is blowing our op away, Daria. We can’t continue like we did before. I don’t know how long Pavlovich will be down here. Or what he really wants.”

“Don’t you think he needs to touch base with Alexandrov’s teams, get them to know he’s the boss now, and to know his men leading these groups? Make peace with them of a sort? Make sure they will be loyal to him?”

“Sure, I thought so, too. I also thought that he’s down here to evaluate each team and, if he doesn’t like some or all of them, to dispatch them and bring in his own teams and leaders who will be completely loyal to him.”

Daria grew quiet, eyes lowered.

Nik drank the coffee. He set the mug down and reached out, brushing her fingers. “How are you doing? I was worried for you.”

“Oh, I’m fine. Right now, frankly, I’m no longer center stage. Pavlovich is, and that’s good for us and our cover.”

“I wonder how long he’ll be around here?”

“Yes, that’s what has me going. Can we capture Korsak under his nose or not? That’s what Jack is talking to the CIA about tonight. He’s put the mission on hold until we can clear channels up and down the line.”

“Wise move,” Nik muttered, sliding his fingers wearily through his hair.

“What about Korsak?”

“A loose cannon. He’s pissed that Pavlovich asked me to dinner instead of him. Korsak peppered me with questions.” Mouth turning to a slash, he added darkly, “I didn’t have answers for most of them. There’s no way I’m putting myself between him and Pavlovich. I just want to fade back into the shadows again. Right now, I’m a golden boy to Pavlovich. He respects intelligence. It’s the last position I want to be in, Daria.”

She reached out, tangling her fingers among his. “I understand. I’m sorry it went down like this.”

Nik lifted his head. “I want to stay here tonight. With you. I can take the couch. I just don’t want any more of the noise, the smells of that hotel. I’m maxed-out.”

Daria studied him as the silence strung out between them. “Do you think that’s a good move under the circumstances?”

“I don’t know,” Nik said irritably. Getting up, he walked slowly around the living room. “Our mission, as we knew it, is gone. Pavlovich is who we thank for that. Korsak’s no longer focused on me and you. He’s worried that the new Don is going to demote him.”

“Closer to the truth,” Daria said, watching him pace, “is he’s probably worried about a bullet in the head.”

“I’d volunteer to do it.”

She tucked her lower lip between her teeth because there was nothing to say. “You’re pushed to your limit, Nik.”

Her quiet words were like a salve across his screaming nerves. “Yes, I guess I am. I feel stretched, as if I’m being skinned alive, Daria. I had a tightrope to walk before. Now, that rope has not only gotten thinner, it’s more fragile. All I wanted, my only focus, was to give Korsak to the A-team, collect the promise from the CIA to provide Dan, both of us, political asylum in your country. Now,” and he opened his hands, his voice flooded with exhaustion, “we have Pavlovich to contend with. Another chess game. Another big player who could change up everything. It’s become three-dimensional chess…”

She stood and walked over to him. Sliding her arms around his waist, she brought her hips against his and stood quietly. “Look at me?”

Nik slid his arms around her shoulders. “Daria, I’m beyond sex tonight if that’s what you want. I’m stressed out.”

Giving him a soft look, she whispered, “So am I. But that doesn’t mean we can’t hold one another Nik. Give each other comfort. It will keep our cover solid, anyway.” She saw the anguish in his eyes as he lifted his head.

“I have no condoms, Daria. I never thought… well, you know. I never thought we’d be really going to bed with one another.” Nik gave her an apologetic look. “And all I’ve thought of since meeting you was to do just that: make love to you all night long.” The corners of his mouth turned inward. He caressed her hair. “I can offer you so little,moya kotya.”

“Well,” she murmured, skimming his shoulder, “I’m old enough to be a big girl about this, Nik. I want you beside me. I want to hold you like you held me the other night when I fell apart. It’s your turn now.” Lifting her chin, Daria met and held his dark eyes. “Okay?”

“Yes,” he rasped, cupping her cheek, “It’s more than enough. More than I ever dreamed of having with you…”


Daria waited patientlyas Nik left the bathroom after his shower and padded barefoot down the hall to the bedroom where she sat. His eyes were nearly closed with exhaustion. She understood the toll the day had taken on him. Nik was driven like no one she’d ever met, even more so than herself. He was naked except for the white towel wrapped around his hips. His skin gleamed in the low light from the hall, his hair mussed and only partially dried. There was exhaustion in his soul tonight, she thought, as she moved around the bed, pulling back the sheet and light cover for him as she went.

Nik gave her a grateful look and lay on his stomach, stretching out his long, lean frame. He gripped the pillow with both hands, closing his eyes.
