Page 119 of Knot Tied

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Simon obliges, loading the plate with three gigantic slices of pizza.

“Thanks,” I say eagerly, taking the plate from him.

Grabbing a slice, I take a huge bite. The cheese is still hot and melts in my mouth as I chew the delicious morsel. “Mmm,” I moan, hurrying to take another bite. “This is so good.”

“Want a bite of my chicken?” Oliver asks, offering me his drumstick.

My mouth is still full of pizza but I don’t hesitate to lean toward him and tear out a chunk of his fried drumstick. The crunchy, greasy taste makes me close my eyes in utter satisfaction.

Damn! I’m ravenous.

It’s a while before I’m able to think about anything other than devouring the delicious food in front of me. When my stomach calms down, I realize that I’m fully dressed.

The fresh pair of T-shirt and shorts add to my comfort. Feeling thoroughly pampered, I happily gaze at my mates.

“Want a beer?” Seth asks, holding up a can.

“Sure. By the way, we didn’t get a chance to talk earlier,” I say as Seth opens a beer can and hands it to me. “Did everything go smoothly at the senator’s mansion?”

A dark look descends into Seth’s green eyes. “He tried to use his guards against us but we gunned them down.”

“He even threatened to take legal action against us,” Oliver says, chuckling. “He thought he could scare us away with his bureaucratic bullshit.”

“You should’ve seen his face when we produced the warrant against him,” Simon says, grinning.

“Did you guys search his mansion?”

“Yep,” says Seth. “He was hiding the remaining militants that escaped during our raid on their hideout. Those men were guarding his property and spying on us. We also found vaults of firearms and other weapons in his basement.”

“We also found an entire room full of safes that contained a ton of cash,” Oliver says in a grim tone. “There’s no way that money came from his salary as a senator. It’s got to be the money they made from illegal trades.”

“Like prostituting kidnapped omegas?” I ask as rage burns in my chest.

Sober expressions come over my mates as they silently nod.

“Do you think they’ll get punished for what they did to me?” I ask in a quiet voice.

“We will release some of the videos we found in those servers,” Seth answers. “They will give the jury an idea of the heinous living conditions in those underground chambers. We’ll also release clips of the way the omegas were abused.”

“Are you sure you want to do that?” I say, chewing my bottom lip.

“We’ll make sure to blur the faces of the victims to hide their identities and safeguard their privacy,” Seth says. “These clips will just be evidence of the crimes the senator and his followers have committed over the years.”

“Don’t worry, Rory,” Simon says, capturing my hand. “We’re controlling every evidence that gets produced in court. We’ll make sure no innocent person gets hurt during the procedures.”

The sincerity in all their eyes brings me a moment of relief. Evil, conniving assholes like Senator Vaughn and Major Kelso need to be punished for all their crimes.

Deep inside, though, I realize that even granting them a death sentence wouldn’t erase the trauma and pain I suffered. Even now, I sometimes dream of being trapped in those dark underground cellars. The nightmares don’t come as often as they used to but they’re still not completely gone.

I can only imagine what the rest of the captive omegas are going through. They have to fight an uphill battle with their addiction and when it’s over, they’ll have to face the horrors they were put through.

“Hey, are you okay?” Oliver asks, lightly bumping his shoulder into mine.

“Yeah,” I say, looking away. “I was thinking about Millie and the other women at the rehab center.”

“We didn’t get a chance to tell you but Raiden said that they’re getting better,” Seth says.

My head whips up to stare at Seth. “What? When did he tell you that?”
