Page 61 of Knot Tied

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“You’re kidding, right?”

I shake my head. “It hurts like a bitch when someone twists your forearm like that out of the blue. That’s the only opportunity you have to either break their hold on your wrist or disarm them.”

“Can I use this move on Senator Vaughn?” she asks as a cold, lethal look descends into her eyes.

“You could but you’ll have to be fast and precise to beat an alpha like him,” I tell her. “As an omega, your power would be to use surprise and speed against stronger opponents. Keep repeating the moves in your head and practice them with me and my brothers.”

“I never imagined I could learn to fight too,” Rory says, staring up at me.

“Anyone can learn to fight,” I tell her. “And, anyone can learn to be good at it. You just have to train and practice daily.”

Moving closer, she wraps her arms around my waist. “Thank you,” she whispers, laying her face against my chest. “Thank you so much for not abandoning me the day you rescued me from the Widow’s hideout. I can’t even imagine what’d have happened to me if you weren’t there to look after me.”

Hugging her closer, I kiss the top of her head. “You don’t have to thank me for anything,” I tell her. “You’re my one true mate, Rory. I just wish you’d told us about what Jake did to you. That way, we could’ve protected you better.”

“I didn’t want you to get involved with a snake like him,” she says in a grim tone. “I wanted to take my time to investigate him and find the evidence I need to punish him.”

“Can you promise me something?” I ask.

She nods. “Anything.”

“Promise me that you won’t hide anything from me and my brothers,” I tell her. “If you know the names of the people who’ve hurt you in the past, tell us. We’ll do anything to punish them to avenge you.”

“There’s Jake, the senator, and Major Kelso,” she says. “There were others too but I don’t know their names.” Her silvery eyes glisten with tears. “I’m sorry I messed up,” she says in a choked voice. “It’s my fault you got hurt and nearly died.”

An intense emotion flares inside me as I look at her.

Rory’s so damn sweet and vulnerable. My heart aches from the love I feel for her. “You’re my one and only mate, Rory,” I say in a rough voice. My fingers tighten around her slim wrist. “You’re mine and I’m willing to do anything to protect what’s mine.”

Her eyes widen at my declaration.

Pulling her closer, I wrap my hand around the back of her neck. “Aurora Bailey,” I say, using her full name. “You’re mine.”

“Seth—” Before she can say anything, I capture her mouth with mine.

I’m gentle with her at first, moving my lips against hers, but the moment I feel her kissing me back, my emotions intensify. Slipping my tongue through her parted mouth, I taste her deeply.

Soft groans escape her as I kiss her thoroughly.

Her reaction sends heat flowing through my veins. My heart throbs, but my cock throbs harder.

The wolf inside me wants to tear off her clothes to touch her bare skin. The need is so intense, that I have to break away from her to cool the unbearable heat that’s pounding through me.

Rory’s lust-glazed eyes stare up at me pleadingly before she closes the distance between us. Rising on her toes, she grips my shoulders, pulling herself against me to capture my lips again.

My back hits a tree trunk as she leans heavily against me, kissing me fiercely. Her desperation fuels the fires of lust raging in my belly. Unable to take this anymore, I bend down and sweep her off her feet.

A gasp escapes her as hurries to wrap her arms around my neck as I haul her into my arms.

“Where are you taking me?” she asks as I hurry toward the manor.

“Home,” I growl before burying my face into the crook of her neck.



I cling to him as he takes me inside the manor through a back entrance. My mind is so hazy with lust that I barely have the patience to see where we’re going. The only thought in my head as he bounds up a staircase is that no one should see us like this.
