Page 8 of Knot Tied

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The sound of the opening door stops me from punching the wall out of sheer frustration. Looking that way, I see Oliver and Simon hurrying inside the room.

“I hate wasting a second not knowing where Rory is,” Oliver says, coming closer.

“We should call Julian,” Simon says while Oliver powers up the laptop. “He’ll give us the fastest updates that’ll help us track Iris.”

Julian is one of our cousins’ mates. He’s not officially part of the Solveig Pack’s armed forces but he’s a genius when it comes to hacking into government portals.

We could call the cops ourselves to get the information we need but none of us have the patience to go through hours of procedures at the moment. Julian is our best bet to track Rory for us.

“Make the call,” I command, hoping Julian is at home.

My heart pounds as I wait for him to pick up the call.

“Hey,” a sleepy male voice finally speaks up. “What’d you want?”

Oliver and I step closer to Simon to hear him better.

“We’ve got an emergency,” Simon says. “Our mate’s missing and we need you to help us track her.”

“What? Are you talking about Rory?” Julian’s voice has an edge of alertness to it now.

“Yeah,” Simon replies. “Can you look at the traffic camera feeds around her neighborhood to help us figure out where she went?”

“Hold on. I have to go into the tech room to figure this thing out.”

We hear the sound of shifting fabric, followed by a sleepy voice asking him where he’s going.

“That’s Iris,” Oliver mutters, glancing toward me and Simon.

We hear Julian telling her to go back to sleep before silence falls over us.

It’s a few minutes before the sound of a clacking keyboard erupts from the phone. My breathing gets easier as I realize Julian’s already on the job.

“What’s her address?” Julian asks.

“1030 Laos Drive, Maplewood,” Simon replies.

“Stay on the line,” Julian mutters.

The sound of hard-hitting fingers against a keyboard fills the room as we wait for him to give us a clue as to where Rory could be right now.

“Do you guys have a computer around you?” Julian asks after a while. “I can connect to your IP and give you a view of the feeds I’m receiving.”

“Yeah, we got it,” I say, signaling Oliver to grab the laptop.

Oliver sits down on the bed and gives me a thumbs-up.

“Do you guys know how long she’s been missing?” Julian asks while Simon and I climb on the bed to peer at the laptop’s screen.

Several feeds have opened up on the screen, all showing various sections of the street outside the mayor’s house.

“Not long,” I say. “It hasn’t been more than an hour since she stepped through the gates. We just need to know where she went after leaving the house.”

“Okay, hold on...” Julian mumbles. “There she is...I see her...and two other women walking right behind her...let’s enlarge this feed and take a closer look...”

A new scene opens up on the screen before us. We’re viewing the same feed as Julian is monitoring.

My heart kicks a beat as I stare at Rory. She’s walking down the nearly deserted street by herself. From time to time, she glances over her shoulder, fully aware that the two strange women are following her.
