Page 75 of Spring Rains

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Fox beamed, pleased with himself. “You just wait. I’ve got more where that came from.”

The game continued, filled with laughter and light-hearted teasing. Now and then, Fox would come up with some more trendy words, each one causing more amusement. At each one, Noah and I would exchange whispers; “Do you have any idea what that means?” way too often.

As the evening wore on, the scores didn’t matter. What mattered was the sound of laughter filling the room, and the way Fox’s eyes lit up when he won.

Sitting there with Noah and Fox, I realized this wasn’t just a game of Scrabble; it was a snapshot of a life I wanted with Noah and his son.

“I’m tired.” Fox did this huge fake yawn and stared at his dad. “Night, Dad.” He hugged Noah, and then, shocking the hell out of me, he hugged me too. “Night, Chris.”

It was around nine, not even late for a Saturday, but by unspoken agreement Noah and I headed to bed, and without my crutches, I had to maneuver into the bedroom on one leg and a lot of balancing against things.

“Not that sexy, eh?” I deadpanned, only to be pushed back onto the mattress where I landed with anoomph. Noah shut and locked the door, then straddled me.

“Wanna know something?” he asked as he began to unbutton my shirt.

“Go on.”

“You’re so freaking sexy.”

He leaned down and sucked on my left nipple, then my right, then back to kissing down the scar before heading south. He bypassed my cock, heading further down, and then, reaching for a tub of cream on the side table, he picked it up and showed it to me.

“Daniel said this works,” he whispered. “Can you show me how I help with your knee?”

I blinked as he leaned down to rub my nose with his. “You want to know how to handle Mr. Stumpy?” I deadpanned.


So, I showed him, and his massage turned into more, and we tested how quiet we could be as he gave me the most intense blowjob I’d ever experienced, and again, when we traded positions, I showed him exactly how much I loved sucking him right back.

“I love you,” he said into lazy kisses.

“I love you,” I whispered back, and then, sated and smiling, we crawled under the covers. He turned away from me, then shuffled back so he was the little spoon.

Wrapped in each other’s arms, we slept.

And Saturday turned into Sunday, and I stayed over again.



The diner buzzedwith the early chatter of patrons; the air filled with the aroma of fresh-brewed coffee and sizzling bacon. I stood behind the counter, lost in thought. After two nights of Chris sleeping in my bed, I couldn’t help but worry about how practical it was for him to move in to our place when he had a perfectly fine house that was most likely set up for his needs. Maybe without rickety stairs and the tiniest shower known to man.

Not that I’d seen his place yet, but he assured me his shower was large enough for two, and next time Fox went for a sleepover, I’d be making a point of visiting and staying over.

Staying over was amazing.

Sex with Chris was amazing.

Him letting me massage his stump, then massage the rest of him, then the blowjobs… yeah…

“Earth to Dad?”

I blinked at Fox, who grinned at me, and I snapped back into Dad mode. “Lunch,” I said, and passed him the box, and he stared at me. “What?”

“Nothing.” He was smirking now, and I shooed him out of the diner to the bus.

I slipped back into diner mode and tried not to think too much about Chris.
