Page 113 of Spider and the Elf

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I nodded, sighing quietly. That would ensure I wouldn’t lose my way somehow and wait for him or Eon to find me.

“Now, little Elf.” His grip on my upper arms tightened again, and I nearly squeaked. “Where would you like to go?”

The place I wanted to explore seemed different to the place he had in mind because when I tried to take a step towards the right tunnel, he pulled me back and turned me towards the left. I tried again, only to be tugged back and made to face the other direction.

I huffed, wondering why he bothered to present me with options when he wasn’t going to allow me to choose.

“Where would you like to go, little Elf?”

I gasped, not expecting his deep voice to whisper in my ear, not expecting his warm lips to press against my skin. His voice, the way he’d laid the question… something about it made my skin warm. Something about it shook my spine, and suddenly I didn’t know where I wanted to go except to follow him.

My shoulders rose, and I directed my eyes to the ground, voice hushed as I said, “Left.”

His pleased hum echoed inside my head, his lips twisting upwards into what could have been a smirk. I shivered, my fingers clutching the edge of my floral skirt, the red and white material suddenly too bright for my eyes.

“Wise choice, little Elf.”

I gulped again, my body moving as if under a spell, steadied only by his warm hands on my skin as he guided me further.


En’s room—ourroom—was both something I expected and something I didn’t.

It was large—that I had expected, large enough to fit him comfortably if he decided to shift into his true form. It was spacious and dark, except the small gaps dotted along one wall that would provide what would be a warm light if the sun was out. At the moment, the dark place was partially lit by the streaks of moonlight that managed to pass through the gaps. The holes were small enough to keep the air inside clean yet big enough to quickly empty the room of the smoke that the small fire was causing. It was why the place was so unusually warm; the in-ground fire pit was strategically dug near the wall with the holes so the smoke wouldn’t linger too long.

Another expectation was the many,manylarge spiderwebs decorating every corner available as if they were furniture. One particular web caught my attention, one that seemed to have been spun with more care and precision than the others.

His bed.

There was only one thing out of place. One thing that stood out as soon as I’d stepped into the room because it was bright and too innocent-looking to be in such a dark, terrifying place.

A bed made out of leaves, colourful leaves of all shapes and sizes, all looking so smooth and flat.

En’s hands let go of me as soon as I began to move in that direction. When I was close enough to touch the bed—thenest—I ran my fingers over it, taking notice of the small red threads that connected the leaves together to prevent them from moving or destroying the final design.

The texture was incredibly smooth, as if each leaf had been carefully selected to mimic the softest fabric imaginable, a softness that could rival that of his precious silk. The colours were mellow and soothing, knitted together to form a homely combination. Greens, pinks, violets, and auburns of various shades; no shade seemed to be repeated twice.

I didn’t realise I was smiling until my cheeks began to ache, my vision blurring briefly before I blinked and shook my head to dispel the sudden warmth that bloomed all over my face.

En crouched beside me. When I glanced at him, he had his head tilted with squinted eyes as he studied the bed.

“Did you make this?” I asked quietly. I wouldneverimagine Enpickingleaves and inspecting them, but it sounded fairly reasonable for him to be the one to make the nest. Eon must have been the one who selected the materials, and En was the one to piece them together.

“I imagined you would hate sleeping in my web,” he said, fiery eyes still scanning the leaves.

It wasn’t a yes or a no, not a simple answer at all, but something I had expected from him.

As I closed my eyes, I leaned closer to him, resting my head on his arm and placing a palm on his wrist. I snuggled close, as close as the distance between us would allow and whispered, “It’s perfect.”

I felt his gaze on me, the heat and intensity almost melting me. When I opened my eyes and looked up, he was, indeed, staring. For once, his features were not amused or threatening. They were blank, almost expectant.


En was rough and dangerous and someone I shouldneverhave chosen to be my mate because he would ultimately ruin me. But En was mindful of me in his own way, attentive and caring in a manner that I would never understand but still appreciate. It was different, not something I knew or could instantly understand, but it was the way he knew how.

He was trying to do things I knew he’d never done before simply to make my transition into his world less daunting. And that was enough. It was enough for me from a creature who was supposedly only capable of destruction, never the creation of something so delicate and breathtaking.

I bit my bottom lip in thought, then I placed my hand on his warm chest and prompted him to move back until he was supporting himself on his elbows. I sat on his solid stomach, my small hands on his face, fingers brushing just under his burning eyes.
