Page 119 of Spider and the Elf

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When En seemed to have studied me enough, his fingers retreated. I breathed in deeply, licking the saliva off my lips. But I didn’t take in enough breaths before his lips captured mine, moving with a fervour that made my eyes shut tightly.

I wasn’t prepared for this passionate, curious side of En.

His lips forced mine open before he slipped his tongue inside, caressing the roof of my mouth, seeming to encourage my tongue to dance with his. My hands slid up his strong arms, fingers admiring his smooth skin before my palms rested on each side of his thick neck, feeling his pulse thump against them.

It felt like I held his large heart between my two small hands.

Without detaching our lips, his hands slid down my sides. Goosebumps rose like plants watered by his touch. My palms pressed harder against the sides of his neck when one of his hands gripped my right thigh and raised it off the ground, trailing his fingers from my knee and all the way down until his touch inched closer to my skirt.

He withdrew, and I opened my eyes, watching as he rested his forehead against mine. His breath was warm and rushed against my tingling lips, and I ran my tongue over them, wanting to catch the remnants of his taste.

Every time he kissed me, it felt like kissing fire. Smoky. Hot. Melting my mouth and clouding my mind.

So fitting for him.

“Little Elf,” he said, voice so thick and deep and rough it had my ears curling under my hair. “Can I… have you?”

I blinked. “Why… why are you asking?”

It wasn’t that I was upset but rather I was alarmed because I couldn’t remember a time when En had asked for my permission to do something. Cyrvas weren’t patient creatures, and they took without asking.

En had proved that many times before.

His fiery eyes remained on me even when his grip on the back of my thigh tightened. “I don’t want to give you another reason to favour him.”

I smiled even though it made his eyes narrow. My hands moved up until they cupped his face, and I craned my head until our lips were touching again. “You already have me, En.”

It was enough for his eyes to widen, enough for the flames in them to sway and brighten before his other hand hurried to support the back of my head just as his lips slammed against mine with such raw need that I made a sound of surprise. If it wasn’t for his hand protecting my head, my skull would have cracked open.

En kissed me with urgency, with need and desire, hungry lips and roaming tongue and greedy hands. I smiled even then because this beast worried about me not wanting him, worried about me not needing him.

His heartbeat thumped against my chest as if his pulse was calling out to me. The heat of his skin seemed to seep into me until I was a hot, writhing mess beneath him, and I wanted him to relieve me of it.

Yet he wanted to take his time.

For an impatient creature like En, this made me both giddy and alarmed

En wasn’t supposed to be still and patient.

“En…” I whispered, breathless as I pulled away from his lips to run my tongue over the sharpness of his jaw.

“No.” His hand that was protecting my head slid away as his other hand moved to flatten me onto the ground. The blaze in his eyes was both soothing and enticing, and the smirk on his kiss-bitten lips made him look so wicked, something I shouldn’t touch or even look at.

He leaned down, and I whined again when his mouth opened over the right side of my neck, knowing what he wanted to do. My left side was filled with bites, and now he wanted to move somewhere else.

“Don’t tell me what you want.” His teeth lightly grazed my flesh. I wanted to huff and protest, but he cut me off with a nip. “Showme.”

I didn’t knowhowto show him what I wanted. I was a creature of words, and that was the way I usually made my desires clear. Communicating through gestures and behaviours wasn’t something I was born to do.

“I have all night, little Elf.”

My mouth dropped open. “You can’t possibly be thinking—”

“Idon’t get enough time with you,” he interrupted, his warm breath on my skin making me twitch. “But when I do, and when you’re sowillingbeneath me, Iwillgo all night.”

And then his fangs broke my skin, sinking a little low on my right shoulder. My body stiffened as a piercing chill flowed through my veins.Linkingme to him. I struggled to breathe, spine arching and head thrown back when his hands snaked around me and lifted me closer to his hard body, his heat a welcomed relief from the iciness that took over my blood.

With his fangs still inside me, one of his hands crawled up my spine until his fingers rested somewhere below the middle of my shoulder blades. Sharp claws hooked under the material of my floral chest band and tugged once. He didn’t do anything else, but he had me immobilised with his fangs still latched on my right shoulder.
