Page 120 of Spider and the Elf

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I nodded once, mind foggy as his soul etched itself with mine.

Slowly, he tore one clean line down my floral top just as his fangs gently pulled out of my flesh, his tongue trailing up my neck until it was running over the outside of my right ear. “I told you I will enjoy you until my heart is satisfied.”

And the fool I was, I mocked, “Then don’t hold me gently.”

It was too late for me to take back my words when his smirk widened against my skin. “As you wish.”

I was on the ground again, and he was hovering over me, palms flat on the surface beside my head, eyes pinning me in place with a ravenous gleam.

He raised a massive hand, showing me as his nails slowly extended until they turned into his signature sharp claws. I gulped when the smooth surface caressed the left side of my face, their coldness a startling contrast to the warm knuckles that soothed my skin after.

It intrigued me how his claws were cold, yet he was warm all over.

They carry his venom,the voice in my head reminded.

His venom. Only a tiny amount and I would be paralysed.

He didn’t use them on me. It was a reminder that he could always sedate me if I tried to escape. Yet here he was,waitingfor my confirmation before doing anything he deemed would frighten me.

It was so unlike En.

So unlike En, and it made me more fond and pleased with him.

He dragged his fingers down to my chest, and I watched as his black claws retracted once again. With a light swipe of his hand, he removed my torn top, leaving my upper body exposed.


I took a deep breath, puffing out my chest and raising my chin. I had nothing to be embarrassed about; this was my mate, and the way he gazed at me made me feel just about untouchable.

A throaty rumble echoed in his throat before En’s cherry-coloured hair was tickling the underside of my chin. I startled when his hot mouth touched my left breast, and my spine arched as his wet tongue rolled over my nipple. I threw my arms around his neck and held him tight, trembling as he licked and sucked and gently grazed the hardened tip with his teeth. He was careful, even more so when he sensed me tensing, fear bleeding into my desire and appreciation for the way he used his mouth.

Fingers began to lightly fondle my other breast, and that, combined with his hot tongue on my skin, made me quake, my hands fisting his hair to keep me grounded. Low, high-pitched sounds formed at the back of my throat, his mouth leaving me delirious. He gave my left breast one long lick before he moved to the right, repeating the same actions and more.

My muscles loosened, my body anticipating something I did not know but wanted either way. I held him tighter when his teeth bit down on my skin, flinching and opening my eyes enough to see a bite mark on my right breast.

I’d learned that biting could be a show of devotion for Cyrvas. A display of passion and playfulness, and in that case, I didn’t care how many times he bit me as long as he was careful because I wasn’t built like him.

En’s tongue glided up my chest, up the column of my throat, and then dipped inside my mouth to kiss me again. Slow. Teasing. Wicked. Not a hint of my blood on his tongue as it stroked and curled with mine. I held him tighter, kept him close as his hands reached for my skirt and took it off onlyafteran affirmation from me.

Without breaking our indulgent kisses, I lowered my hands to his pants and tugged once, telling him that I wanted them off. He chuckled, his hands leaving my naked thighs to work on his pants. When he was as bare as me, I released a happy sound into his mouth, my palms roaming his endless chest and his back.

I wanted to be on top, but a part of me liked the weight of En’s powerful body pressing me down, keeping me still as we kissed. A part of me liked how heavy he was on me, how big and demanding his hands were. One hand kept him steady above me while his other took its time as it inched up my inner thigh, and then he grabbed it and raised it to his hips. I copied with my other leg but couldn’t cross my ankles behind him. He was too big. My inner thighs ached from the stretch, and it was both uncomfortable and exciting. Foreign.

And while I was busy listening to his violent heartbeat and his heavy breathing, his warm fingers slid up until the tip of one began to push into me.

I broke our kiss with a startled gasp and rushed to clutch his shoulders, whining as his finger slowly slid further. He tried to quieten me, his lips pressing on my right ear and making a continuousshhsound as I trembled; trembled from his guttural voice directly in my ear and his warm breath on my skin and his long, thick finger stretching me. I didn’t know why he was using his finger. He shouldn’t be using it. Instincts told me this wasn’t how mating happened.

I made my confusion loud and clear, but he didn’t listen. Instead, he leaned in to kiss me again, this time slower, gentler, using his tongue to distract me while his finger continued moving inside me. His scent clouded my mind, loosened my muscles enough that his finger slid deeper. I held in my whimper, gently biting on his bottom lip.

My body was hot and tense, prickling in places I didn’t understand, but I understood that I needed him. Wanted to feel him so much I ached. So much that I whimpered and licked his chin and rubbed my cheek against his.

Another finger slid inside, and this time I clenched my teeth, shutting my eyes tightly as they watered. My fingers dug harder into his flesh, not enough to break skin but enough to cause bruises.

“E-En…” I choked between gasps and whines, feeling something warm and wet under my eyes.

“You’ll cry for me, won’t you, little Elf?” he whispered softly, and from his voice alone I knew he was smirking.

