Page 38 of Spider and the Elf

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I should have taken a second and thought that one through.


“Here?” He kissed my jaw and let his lips linger there as his large palm held my small left breast.

I gasped and flung my eyes open, placing my hands on his wide shoulders to push him. He didn’t even sway.

“No!” I shrieked, horrified he’d even think that.

Eon snickered. “Then…” His hand moved lower and turned to my back, reaching my bottom, and then he squeezed lightly. I yelped. “Here?”

“Where do you think you’re touching?!” I hissed, my small fangs bared and my eyes narrowed.

“The ears, then?” He raised a brow, and I had the sense that his threat was directed towards my actions rather than the sharp way I’d spoken.

I puffed my cheeks. “So mean.”


The hard edge in his eyes and the way he asked that made me pause, like he was daring me to repeat what I said.

“Yes.” I lifted my chin and stared him directly in the eyes. “You’re very mean. You always do mean things to me.”

He hummed, his brow still raised as he stared at my neck. Something told me he wasn’t listening, and just as I opened my mouth to call his attention back to me, he flipped us and sat up, pulling me to his lap.

“You carried a bag with you.” Eon reached his palm in the direction of the bag I had brought before a thick, red thread shot out, pulling the item to his awaiting hand. “For what?”

I beamed and clapped my hands together, then moved to fix my hair before I took the bag and began looking inside it. I ignored the way Eon gazed at me, ignored how he caressed my cheekdelicatelywith his fingertips, as if fascinated.

His touches were always so light and careful. It worried me. I didn’t know what to expect when it came to this male because he didn’t act or behave the way the books described.

I pulled out a ripe bilimbi fruit and gawked, my mouth watering. With a small noise of excitement, I raised the yellowish-green fruit to him, grinning as he eyed it and then me with his lips tugged low.

“Try it! It tastes delicious!” I encouraged, lifting myself a little higher.

“I don’t eat those…things.” He made a disgusted face, then he shuddered. Eon eyed the fruit like it was the most revolting thing he had ever seen, or took a sniff of.

“Why not? It’s wonderful!”

He retched, pushing the fruit away from his chest and gently setting me down on the ground. True to his nature, he crawled over to the pool and dipped his head to gulp some water.

Frowning, I drew the fruit to my lips and bit into it. So sweet, so sour, and so delicious.

“Stop making such faces as if you’re being touched intimately.” Eon’s husky voice dripped with amusement. “Unless you want me to touch you, then simply beg and I’ll be happy to oblige.”

“Begging is something I’ll never do, Spider.” I scoffed, rolling my eyes and taking another bite of the yellowish-green fruit.

“I should be an exception, Pixie.”

I choked on my bite. Putting my fruit down, I stood with my fists clenched and twitching. Annoyance spiked my mood like a sharp pinch. “Say it again, Spider, I dare you.”

Eon smirked and stood up from his position near the pool, his head tilting. Those red eyes of his sparked in a way that made me narrow mine in warning.


I bared my teeth and charged at him, but he evaded my attack andlaughed.The deep, husky sound made my pulse stumble. My legs missed a step. A startled scream ripped from my lips as I tipped forward, arms flailing as I began to fall. But strong hands carefully grabbed me by the waist before they slid around my middle, holding me so protectively that I awed out loud.

Even though I nearly attacked him, he caught me and didn’t let me fall. And the way he held me!
