Page 58 of Spider and the Elf

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I gave it a sniff. “What is it?”

“No clue, but many people are buying it, so it’s probably something.”

I rolled my eyes. “Let’s get something red.”

“You adoreeverythingthat is red!” he exclaimed, raising his eyebrows. “Is there a reason?”

“No, anything red is simply delicious.”

He’d been subdued after our visit to our sister’s flower. To cheer him up, I’d suggested visiting the Market, because what was more uplifting than visiting the wonderful world of the Fairies?

And it seemed to work well, bringing my brother out from that gloomy shell he’d encased himself in.

Faelyn went on to pick fruits that he desired, and I went to collect some mushrooms since the ones in the Fairies’ land tasted sweeter than the ones in my world. We’d gathered some olind leaves and welmik twigs before crossing portals to exchange at the Market, since both of the sweet, sugary snacks were highly sought after by the Fairies and the Werewolves.

My pointy ears perked as I sensed movement behind me. Pausing, I turned my head before a grin split my face.

“Snow!” I shrieked, running towards him before throwing my arms around him.

The Fairy stilled with surprise before his warm arms surrounded me gently. A bright laugh echoed from his chest. “Hello, dear friend.” He patted my back twice before releasing me and stepping back. “How have you been?”

“Well.” I grinned back. “How about you?”

His cheeks coloured a bright pink that stretched to his ears. His wings fluttered a little as they glowed faintly, similar to his bright hair.

“I wish to thank you,” he murmured shyly. “I’ve… met my mate.”

I slapped my hands on my mouth as a loud gasp tore past my lips. My grin stretched wide enough to hurt my jaws.

“When?” I whispered behind my palms for fear of shouting my excitement. “Where? How? What is she? Is she from your village?”

Snow bit the insides of his cheeks, which continued to brighten in colour. “A few suns ago, when I was looking around right here at the Market. She…” His cheeks reddened at this point, but a soft brightness filled his lovely green eyes. “She surprised me. Jerked me around to face her and then kissed me in front of all those merchants here, stating I’m hers before I even knew her name. She’s a Fairy, too, but she is my opposite. And she’s from another land.”

My eyes widened. “Fairies are that bold? And what do you mean by your opposite?”

He smiled, causing his mesmerising eyes to shine—almost blinding me with all of his glow. “Some are. She’s aspringFairy. She has the ability to make things grow.”

“She truly kissed you right here?” I gestured around us, wide-eyed, grinning and warm-faced. “Here?Before all these people?”

His blush deepened and the tips of his wings curled in, much like my long, pointy ears would do at times. “I wasn’t sure what was happening, either. I was looking for some welmik twigs and then a female had me tight in her clutches. She’s very… firm and direct with me. I’m still baffled to this moment but… she feels right.”

I bit my palms, failing to silence the small, high-pitched noise of delight for him.

He smiled again, soft and sincere and beautiful as he dipped his head. “Thank you for opening my eyes. I was, indeed, fooled by our friendship because, well… I’ve never had a female friend before. But being with Violet feels different to how it felt being with you, and I think I understand it now, the difference between friend and mate.”

“You have no idea how ecstatic I am for you!” I moved in to fold my arms around him, holding him tightly to convey my support and joy. “You deserve the best.”

“So do you.”


Retreating, I turned and saw my brother walking towards us with a small smile. Faelyn greeted Snow with a respectful nod, and the Fairy mirrored the gesture with a soft flutter of his beautiful wings.

I hurried to my brother and looked inside the basket he carried, beaming. “Lucky you, Snow, we have extra welmik twigs to share!” I took the five pieces remaining and offered them to the wide-eyed Fairy.

He blinked, lips parting before he bowed deep with a giddy grin. “My brightest thanks, darling friends. I will return your kindness the next time I see you.”

Snow took the offered snacks and bowed again. A silly laugh bubbled up my throat because he acted like I’d given him his own world.

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