Page 6 of Spider and the Elf

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I coughed, sliding lower under the surface and concentrated. As I raised my hand above the water, a strand of clear liquid copied my movement and formed the shape of a spiralling sphere.

Due to being weaker than the other species, nature blessed some Elves with powers. We called them gifts. To be born with a gift, the Elf must be born with hair and eyes of the exact same colour. Pure, we called them.

My sister and I were the only ones blessed with the ability to control water, even though my entire family was born under the element. But even when I had this gift, I could only use it if I had water near or around me.

The wind blew harsher, my blue hair rushing forward and giving me a headache. My back was exposed to the cold and I shivered even more, teeth nearly clacking.

“Why are you so mean? I’m only cleaning myself!” I yelled, glaring up at the sky.

Its howling ceased.

I blinked, surprised that my outburst had worked, but my delight was short-lived as the wind returned, stronger this time.

All right,I thought, quickly yet gently scrubbing my arms, cleaning my body as best as I could with my dress still on. I washed my hair as well, scrunching my nose when I pulled red Spider threads out of my strands.

For a short moment, I paused and admired the contrast they created against my hair—red against blue—and I wondered how I would have looked if I’d been born with that colour.

Ridiculous,I snorted and threw the threads away.

My pointy ears twitched again.

Keia stilled, staring wide-eyed at something behind me.

The heavy presence froze me. It was overwhelming, even more than that Spider who’d chased me here.

I whirled in the water as if it was air, my blood chilling when my wide eyes landed on the new threat.


He was sitting on a tree branch, hidden by the shadows of the leaves, his legs swinging loosely as he watched me.

And as deadly as I knew he was, his beauty made my breath halt.

No wonder our Elders warned us to not look at them if we ever saw them. Their beauty alone was enough to hypnotise us like brainless flies.

His cherry-red hair was black from the roots and had strands falling into his right eye, becoming lighter and lighter the farther it grew from his scalp. His eyes were unlike what the books had shown—he hadsclerasand rediriseswith flecks of black and small flames in them. Thick, dark lashes framed his eyes, lips the colour of blood and jaw sharper than my claws. He was huge, but from what the books had shown, he was lean for a Spider, yet the muscles he had were a perfect indication of how capable he was of ending my life.

One of his dark brows was raised as he watched me. I didn’t know how to interpret the gesture.

And I didn’t know how I was going to leave.

Moving as slow as I could, I backed towards the other end of the pool.

And I made the mistake of looking away from him.

A thick, red thread shot forward and grabbed my success bag. When my gaze snapped back to him, his ruby eyes were narrowed, his head slightly tilted. The thread came from a cut in his left palm, so small it could have been the width of a piece of grass. He tugged, and my bag went flying to him.

My eyes widened, the icy fingers of fear creeping up my spine.

“Why are you in my territory?”

His voice made me tense. Smooth but deep, tinged with a roughness I expected from a predator. He sounded as dangerous as he looked. But even so, he didn’t sound angry, rather… curious?

I pursed my lips, glancing at my bag before I fixed my eyes on him. “Accident.”

I was being rude, but if he was going to kill me, manners wouldn’t save me.

Keia tried to hide behind my wet hair, but he saw her. The corners of his mouth curled, and with a push, he jumped from the branch and landed on the ground with a loud thud.

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