Page 90 of Spider and the Elf

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I paced back and forth in my room, my hands gripping my blue hair tightly. My chest rose and fell hurriedly, my breathing harsh and uncoordinated to my sensitive ears.

Footsteps rushed towards me, then hands gripped my wrists, trying to pull them away as a warm body stood in front of me.

“You need to calm down,” Ayen said, the panic evident in his voice without me having to look at him.

“I can’t calm down!” I yelled, shoving his hands away from me. “He impressed me in front of everyone! What do I do?!”

“I know you are worried but so am I!” His hand gripped my chin and forced me to look at him, his eyes hard and his teeth exposed in a warning.

My breathing stilled at his sudden display of dominance and his demand for obedience. It was the first time I saw Ayen with such a look, the first time I saw him behaving in such a way.

When he had my full attention, his grip eased and his features softened. “I’m worried as well.” His lips pressed together. “But if we act on our panic, it would cause suspicion. For now, everyone thinks you were spooked, and I was sent to calm you. Behave like it.”

I gulped and nodded stiffly, exhaling a broken breath as I looked at him with blurry eyes.

“I’m scared,” I whispered, afraid someone other than Ayen would hear me. “I have a mate I answered to, and I don’t want anyone else.”

He shook his head as he brushed his thumbs below my eyes. My skin felt wet where his thumbs had swiped.

“You cannot allow anyone else to know that,” he murmured as he pulled me closer to him, his arms wrapping around my shoulders and his chin resting on my head. “Not everyone is your friend from youth.”

I closed my eyes and bit my tongue, holding on to him tightly.

Ayen kept me company the entire night until the noise subsided, the laughter slowly fading as the feast came to an end. Pressure tightened my chest as I looked at Ayen’s hand that was playing with my claws. It was a night of fun and play, and he had to miss out on it because of me.

All because of me.

“You have nothing to feel guilty about,” he said. “I chose to remain by your side.”

I lowered my gaze. “You shouldn’t.”

“What friend would I be if I didn’t?” he teased, his claws extending to lightly pinch my skin.

That was how Faelyn and Elanil found us; I was sitting on a wooden chair with my knees drawn close to my chest while Ayen sat on the opposite side, his elbows on the edge of the dining table, our hands clasped together as we conversed in the kitchen.

Elanil looked at me with an expression that had my spine straightening. Ayen’s warmth left me as he stood up slowly to face my brother. The air seemed to thicken as Elanil’s eyes looked away, her chest caving in as she exhaled heavily.

“I answered on your behalf,” Faelyn said.

Where Ayen gasped and Elanil flinched, I froze. I glanced at Elanil then at Ayen, none of them facing me.


My brother pursed his lips, then he sighed. “I gave him your answer.”

I blinked slowly, then I unfolded my legs and got up from my chair. I straightened my back as I faced my brother, my fists quivering by my sides.

“What did you say?” I repeated.

“I gave him your answer.”

I lunged at my brother with extended claws and bared fangs, not getting to sink any of those into his flesh because arms hurriedly held me back in a way that immobilised me. My brother was also being held back by his mate, who had a hand on his chest, murmuring sweetly to him.

“How could you?” I asked, my voice calm and steady. When all he did was stare at me, I exploded. “How could you do that without asking me?! What right do you have to make such a decision forme?!Answer me!”

“I need to make sure you have a good life!” he shouted with bared fangs and stormy eyes, his voice thundering around us. “I need to make sure I can rest knowing you will be in good hands if anything was to happen to me, and IknowAias is the best mate for you! He will be able to provide a good future for you. Do you not understand that?”

“Ihavea good future!” I cried, attempting to lunge at him again, but I was still held back firmly. My chest heaved as I breathed, my entire body trembling.
