Page 13 of Abel

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"So, what's your story? Did you want to move someplace else after college? Did you stay near here to go to college?"

I move over on the trail as we meet another couple. "I went to college at Eastern State. It's about two hours south, so I wasn't close, but I wasn't far either. I was able to come home every weekend if I wanted to, or I could stay there."

"Did you come home every weekend?" She side-eyes me.

"Not at first." I remember the crazy nights of partying a little too much when I first got to college. "But after I'd spent way too many mornings nursing a hangover, I decided it was better that I spend more time at home. I was at risk of failing out, and Dad had worked way too hard to get me into school. I had a partial scholarship, and he paid the rest for me."

"What did you study? I've been trying to think what it would be, but there's so many things I could see you doing."

Her voice is contemplative, and she's definitely given it thought. "I have a Bachelor's in Civil Engineering."

She gasps. "Wow, that's not an easy degree to get."

"No," I shake my head, remembering how hard some of those days had been. "No, it's not. I was worried I wouldn't make it, but I wanted to make Dad proud. I mean he still knows more than me, but sometimes he needs my help, and I feel like a badass."

"You are a badass," she reiterates quietly. "I've never seen someone have such a great relationship with their dad. I'm not super close with my parents. They had me older, and they've never really understood me and my desire not to have a conventional job. They don't agree with the social media and seem to think that just because I have a camera running every day, I'm trying to be an Only Fans model," she rolls her eyes. "It's a generational difference, but I feel very much like an outcast, and I’m the youngest. I'm extremely lucky I met Alexis when I did. She's been the best friend I've ever had."

I can't believe her parents would be anything less than proud of her. She's making her dream come true in an unconventional way. "I'm sorry that your parents don't get it. If it makes you feel any better, I think it's amazing what you've done. I watch your channel a lot," I admit, my cheeks heating. "I've learned things about cooking, about running your own business, and the way you persevere when you're busy. When it would be easier for you to hang up your apron, you're still there every day." I grip her hand tightly.

She sighs with her whole chest. "There's nothing else I've ever wanted more than to be successful with the food truck."

"And you're doing it. I'm in fucking awe of you."

"Thank you." She pulls on my hand, bringing me to a stop.

"Are you okay?" I gaze down at her. "Do we need to take a break?"

"No," she pulls her bottom lip between her teeth before throwing her arms around my neck. "You don't know how much this means to me. That you understand." Her voice is choked. "I do this because I love it, but I don't get a lot of praise for it. Not that I necessarily need it, or expect it, but it's nice to hear from someone you respect."

I smile down. "You should be proud of yourself. Some people go their whole lives without doing what they love. You're doing it and kicking ass at it. You're a rockstar."

"So are you. I've seen your mind work when the group of you have lunch at the picnic area. I've stood in the truck and watched you sketch things in the middle of everyone yelling. You're good at what you do too. Don't sell yourself short. Now, take me to these falls. I wanna see what makes them so amazing."

Leaning in, I kiss her quickly. "C'mon. Let me introduce you to the namesake of your new home."

* * *

"Abel, it's gorgeous," she breathes, as we stand at the edge of the falls. "It's almost as if you're looking through a diamond."

I wouldn't have ever described it like that, but I understand what she's getting at. There are different colors behind where the water flows. "It is, can you imagine what people thought hundreds of years ago when they found it?"

"No." She shakes her head, mouth hanging slightly open in awe. "I can't believe it took me this long to get here either."

"Maybe you just needed someone to do it with." I hook my arm around her neck, pulling her close.

She smiles up at me, then tips up on her toes, connecting our lips in a light kiss. "I think you're right. This won't be the only time we come out here, right?"

"No," I assure her. "It's the prettiest at the first snowfall, and typically not as busy. It's so quiet out here then, you could hear a pin drop. I'd love to experience that with you."

Her eyes shyly lift to mine. "I'd love to experience that with you, too."

"There's an area right over there we can eat." I point to an outcropping of rocks.

"Let's go, you'll let me hold your hand won't you if it gets dicey?"

Our eyes meet, her hazel ones are more serious than I've ever seen them as she asks the question. Not even thinking twice, I give her the answer I feel deep in my soul. "You can hold my hand whenever you want. I'll offer you strength whenever you need it."

"I'm counting on it, Abel, and I look forward to it."
