Page 25 of Abel

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She snorts. "Listening to Mom talk about how she's disowning you."

I groan as I walk to the back of the truck. "Oh, I'm sure she is. She's mad as hell at me for not coming to stay with her. I reminded her you live down the road, and could be on standby if needed. She hated that. She really wanted me to come stay, but I have so much going on with the food truck."

"I know Mom and Dad haven't told you that they're proud of you and what you've done with it, but I am super proud of you. I saw your videos recommended to me on YouTube, and my God, K, they had so many views. I wanted to comment and be like that's my little sister, but I didn't wanna make it weird. You know I never could go against what they say, but now that I’m getting older, I’m working on showing more of my personality."

I laugh at her, all of this I know. "That's what you do. You make things weird all the time. It's okay with me though." I'm swallowing back the tears at her words. "Thank you for saying that. No one in the family has said what they think about what I've done. It means more to me than you know."

"Well, I should've said it way before now, but you had over a million views, K. Like you're making waves, and you're doing all the things you wanted to do. Can I ask about the guy I saw you in a picture with on your social media account the other day? He's hot as hell. Tattoos, a five o'clock shadow, strong forearms. He had his arm around you."

"That's Abel." I bite my lip. "He and I have been flirting for a year. We went out on a date, and we had a great time."

"Are you sure you just went out on a date? The way you're saying those words have a bit of a steamy note to them. You forget, I know your tells. We shared a bedroom for a while back in the day."

I hate that she's able to see through me, without even being able to see me. "We had a good time too. He makes me feel good about myself, and he makes me want to believe all the shit about white picket fences."

Keely sighs. "Look, just because I got divorced last year doesn't mean that white picket fences aren't possible for others. Please don't use me as a reason not to try and be happy. I promise, there is happiness out there, and many are able to have it. Me and him? We just weren't meant to be, but I have no doubt the way that man looks at you, he cares about you. It's the way a man in love looks at a woman."

I don't want to believe it, because I never imagined it would move so quickly for us. "You don't think it's too soon?"

"I don't think there's a timeline for love. You can fall in and out easily. It's one of those things that you can wake up one day and realize that it's completely changed your life. Has that happened for you?"

Her words give me pause. I haven't thought about this, not like she's explaining it. "I think so, and it scares me to death. For the past year I've been married to this job. The food truck has been the most important thing to me since I graduated college. To have something else is a surprise."

The smile in her voice is apparent over the phone line. "Some of the best things in life are a surprise, don't you think? That way when it smacks you across the face, you don't expect it."

"Maybe you're right."

"Bitch, you know I'm right. Anyway, I just wanted to call and see how you're doing. Make sure Mom didn't lay too big of a guilt trip on you."

"Oh, she tried," I assure her. "But I didn't give in, and I hope I can be strong in the future. If I had left, I wouldn't have had a good night with Abel the other night."

"Well, we definitely want you to have some good nights. I love you, and I'll talk to you later."

"Love you too."

When I hang up with her, I feel better about things than I have in a while. As long as one person understands me, and is proud of me, I can make this work. I don't feel as if I'm an island out in the middle of the ocean, just waiting for a rogue wave to break me. Turning back to Rachelle, I rub my hands along my jeans. "Okay, what else do we need to do?"

* * *

Alexis laughs loudly as she pours another drink for Nolan. "I'm gonna cut you off after this. If you need a ride, I'll make sure you get home." She raises an eyebrow at him.

"I'm stopping after this one. You don't have to worry. I'll hang out for a couple of hours, and make sure I'm good." He turns to me. "Are you ever going to tell me what your secret ingredient is in your salsa that makes it so damn good?"

Alexis snorts. "I'm her best friend, and she won't even tell me. You think with that cute face and dimple in your cheek she'll tell you?"

He shrugs, smirking. "I mean it has gotten me places before."

A deep voice behind me speaks. "Won't get you anywhere with her."

Abel's arm comes around my neck from behind. He casually allows it to rest as he pulls up closer behind me. My mind immediately travels to places that aren't decent. His fingers dangle in front of my breasts, and my nipples peak, as if they're reaching out, begging for his touch. He leans down, dropping a kiss to the side of my neck.

"What can I get you?" Alexis asks.

He makes a noise. "Like you don't know what I drink? C'mon now."

She shakes her head. "I thought maybe you might like to try something different." She shoves a bottle of Bud Light toward him. "Where's your dad and the rest of the crew who usually comes with you? Thought he was headed this way."

"Out in the parking lot. Jasper got a new bow for hunting season, and they're all droolin' over it. You know I don't hunt. I couldn’t give two shits about it, so I came inside. It's cold, and y'all are in here." He grins at me.
